By default, you do not need to define data sets manually. A single data set is created automatically when you use the -DataProperty and -LabelProperty parameters. If you want to define multiple data sets for a single chart, you can use the -Dataset property in conjunction with New-UDChartJSDataset.
$Data = Get-Process | Sort-Object -Property CPU -Descending | Select-Object -First 10
$CPUDataset = New-UDChartJSDataset -DataProperty CPU -Label CPU -BackgroundColor '#126f8c'
$MemoryDataset = New-UDChartJSDataset -DataProperty HandleCount -Label 'Handle Count' -BackgroundColor '#8da322'
$Options = @{
Type = 'bar'
Data = $Data
Dataset = @($CPUDataset, $MemoryDataset)
LabelProperty = "ProcessName"
New-UDChartJS @Options
Click Events
You can take action when a user clicks the chart. This example shows a toast with the contents of the $Body variable. The $Body variable contains a JSON string with information about the elements that were clicked.
You can use New-UDDynamic to create charts that refresh on an interval.
New-UDDynamic -Content {
$Data = 1..10 | % {
[PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $_; value = get-random }
New-UDChartJS -Type 'bar' -Data $Data -DataProperty Value -Id 'test' -LabelProperty Name -BackgroundColor Blue
} -AutoRefresh -AutoRefreshInterval 1
Monitors are a special kind of chart that tracks data over time. Monitors are good for displaying data such as server performance stats that change frequently. You return a single value from a monitor and it is graphed automatically over time.
Universal Dashboard integrates with Nivo Charts. Below you will find examples and documentation for using these charts.
Creating a Chart
All the Nivo charts can be created with New-UDNivoChart. You will specify a switch parameter for the different types of charts. Each chart type will take a well defined data format via the -Data parameter.
Nivo charts provide responsive widths so they will resize automatically when placed on a page or the browser is resized. A height is required when using responsive widths.
Auto Refreshing Charts
Like many components in Universal Dashboard v3, Nivo charts do not define auto-refresh properties themselves. Instead, you can take advantage of New-UDDynamic to refresh the chart on an interval.
The UDMap component is a robust control that provides a huge set of features. You can select base layers, configure togglable layers, set markers, define vectors and interact with other Universal Dashboard components.
Basic Map
This basic map defines a simple base layer using the tile server. You can use your own custom tile server by specifying a URL. The map is position over Hailey, Idaho.
You can enable the layer control by using the New-UDMapLayerControl cmdlet. This map defines several layers with components that you can toggle on and off. You can only have one base layer selected as a time. Map overlay layers can toggle on and off.
Heatmaps can be defined by creating a heatmap layer. The intesity and location of the heatmap clusters can be defined by using the New-UDMapHeatmapLayer cmdlet.