You can create a multiline textbox by using the -Multiline parameter. Pressing enter will add a new line. You can define the number of rows and the max number of rows using -Rows and -RowsMax.
New-UDTextbox-Multiline -Rows 4-RowsMax 10
Retrieving a textbox value
You can use Get-UDElement to get the value of a textbox
This example creates a mask for US based phone numbers.
New-UDTextbox-Mask "+1 (000) 000-0000"
The default behavior of -Mask is to return the masked value in forms and Get-UDElement. You can return the unmasked value by specifying the -Unmask parameter.
New-UDTextbox-Mask "+1 (000) 000-0000"-Unmask
The -OnEnter event handler is executed when the user presses enter in the text field. It is useful for performing other actions, like clicking a button, on enter.