An example of a data grid that queries and updates data in SQL.
This example uses Invoke-DbaQuery
from dbatools to query and update data in a SQL database. It implements paging, sorting and filtering via the data grid's -LoadRows
event handler. It also renders buttons within the table that updates the database based on selections.
Additionally, bulk actions are performed using checkbox selection.
This example requires the following table.
Copy CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Certificates](
[CertificateId] [int] NULL,
[Decision] [varchar]( 255 ) NULL,
[UserName] [varchar]( 255 ) NULL,
[GroupName] [varchar]( 255 ) NULL,
[AppName] [varchar]( 255 ) NULL
The data grid is defined within a dynamic region with some basic properties.
Copy New-UDDynamic - Id "DynamicTable" {
New-UDDataGrid - ShowPagination - PageSize 10 - RowsPerPageOptions @ ( 10 , 25 , 50 , 100 , 200 ) - CheckboxSelection - LoadRows {
The -LoadRows
event handler does much of the work but custom columns also provide an avenue for updating the database. We'll break down this example below.
The columns used in this example are basic, aside from a decision column that is used to update the SQL database.
The basic columns to display look like this. Properties that are returned from the SQL query will be available in render methods but will not be displayed.
Copy New-UDDataGridColumn - HeaderName 'User' - Field 'UserName' - Filterable - Sortable - Description 'UserName'
New-UDDataGridColumn - HeaderName 'Group' - Field 'GroupName' - Filterable - Sortable
New-UDDataGridColumn - HeaderName 'App' - Field 'AppName' - Filterable - Sortable
We will implement a complex column to update the SQL database. The $EventData
variable will include the entire row's data. We can use this data to render buttons based on its state. If the certificate is approved, we will create green buttons. If the certificate is revoked, we will create red buttons. Clicking the buttons will run an UPDATE command and then reload the dynamic region.
Copy New-UDDataGridColumn - HeaderName 'Decision' - Field 'Decision' - MinWidth 300 - Render {
New-UDDynamic - Id $EventData.CertificateId - Content {
function New-DecisionButton {
param (
$Text ,
$Icon ,
$Style ,
$CertificateId ,
New-UDButton - Text $Text - Icon $Icon - Style $Style - OnClick {
$ Session: updateButton = $true
$Query = @"
UPDATE Certificates
SET Decision = $Decision
WHERE CertificateId = $CertificateId;
Invoke-DbaQuery - SqlInstance '(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB' - Database PSU - Query $Query
Sync-UDElement - Id $CertificateId
} - ShowLoading
if ($ Session: updateButton) {
$item = Invoke-DbaQuery - SqlInstance '(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB' - Database PSU - Query ( 'SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Certificates] WHERE CertificateId = {0}' -f $EventData.CertificateId)
$EventData.Decision = $item.Decision
$ Session: updateButton = $false
if ($EventData.Decision -eq 1 ) {
New-DecisionButton - Text 'Approve' - Icon $ Page: IconApprove - Style $ Page: BtnGreenApprove - CertificateId $EventData.CertificateId - Decision 'NULL'
New-DecisionButton - Text 'Revoke' - Icon $ Page: IconRevokeNeutral - Style $ Page: BtnWhiteRevoke - CertificateId $EventData.CertificateId - Decision '0'
elseif ($EventData.Decision -eq 0 ) {
New-DecisionButton - Text 'Approve' - Icon $ Page: IconApproveNeutral - Style $ Page: BtnWhiteApprove - CertificateId $EventData.CertificateId - Decision '1'
New-DecisionButton - Text 'Revoke' - Icon $ Page: IconRevoke - Style $ Page: BtnRedRevoke - CertificateId $EventData.CertificateId - Decision 'NULL'
else {
New-DecisionButton - Text 'Approve' - Icon $ Page: IconApproveNeutral - Style $ Page: BtnWhiteApprove - CertificateId $EventData.CertificateId - Decision '1'
New-DecisionButton - Text 'Revoke' - Icon $ Page: IconRevokeNeutral - Style $ Page: BtnWhiteRevoke - CertificateId $EventData.CertificateId - Decision '0'
Filtering is performed by accessing the $EventData
variable (assigned to $Context
in this example). Filters are available as a property of the context. Filters also include the logic operator used. This will be a and or or operator. We construct a SQL where expression and populate a hashtable of parameters.
Copy $SqlFilter = ""
$Parameters = @ {}
if ($Context.Filter.Items.Count -gt 0 ) {
$count = 1
$ParameterName = "P$count"
foreach ($filter in $Context.Filter.Items) {
if ($count -gt 1 ) {
$SqlFilter += " $ ($Context.Filter.logicOperator) "
else {
$SqlFilter += " WHERE "
$Value = $Filter.Value
switch ($filter.Operator) {
"contains" { $SqlFilter += " $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) LIKE CONCAT('%', @$ParameterName, '%') " }
"equals" { $SqlFilter += " $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) = @$ParameterName " }
"startsWith" { $SqlFilter += " $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) LIKE CONCAT(@$ParameterName, '%') " }
"endsWith" { $SqlFilter += " $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) LIKE CONCAT('%', @$ParameterName) " }
"isAnyOf" {
$Value = $Value -join ','
$SqlFilter += " $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) IN (SPLIT_STRING(@$ParameterName)) "
"isempty" { $SqlFilter += " TRIM ( $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) ) IS NULL " }
"isnotempty" { $SqlFilter += " TRIM ( $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) ) IS NOT NULL " }
"notequals" { $SqlFilter += " $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) != @$ParameterName " }
"notcontains" { $SqlFilter += " $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) NOT LIKE CONCAT('%', @$ParameterName,'%') " }
$Parameters[$ParameterName] = $Value
$count += 1
The ConvertTo-ProperCase
function adjusts the field name, which will be lower case, into the correct case used for the SQL server columns.
Paging data is also sent via the context. We can calculate the offset and page size using the following code.
Copy $PageSize = $Context.PageSize
$Offset = $Context.Page * $PageSize
$sqlPage = "OFFSET $Offset ROWS FETCH NEXT $ ($Context.PageSize) ROWS ONLY;"
Columns used for sorting and their direction are also included in the context. This example uses single column sorting but the sort value is an array if multi-column sort is enabled.
Copy if ($Context.Sort[ 0 ].field -ne $null ) {
$sqlSort = "ORDER BY $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $Context.Sort[ 0 ].field) $ ($Context.Sort[ 0 ].sort) "
else {
Once we have constructed the SQL query portions and the parameters from the context, we can invoke our query. First, we need to get a total count of rows.
Copy $Query = '{0} {1}' -f $Query , "$SqlFilter $sqlSort $sqlPage"
$Count = Invoke-DbaQuery - SqlInstance '(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB' - Database PSU - As SingleValue - Query "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM dbo.Certificates $SqlFilter" - SqlParameter $Parameters
Once we have our count, the next step is to run the query. We return the rows as PSObjects. We need to format the return data to include the rows and the count.
Copy $Data = Invoke-DbaQuery - SqlInstance '(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB' - Database PSU - As PSObjectArray - Query $Query - SqlParameter $Parameters
@ {
rows = [ Array ]$Data
rowCount = $Count
Bulk Actions
Using the selection feature of the data grid, we can record the row selections and then perform bulk actions using a select dropdown.
The first step is to store the selections in session state. The $EventData
variable of OnSelectionChanged
is a list of the IDs of the rows. The data grid requires an ID to be defined for each row. If no ID property is found on a row, a random one is generated. Since we want deterministic selections, we use the CertificateID property as an ID in the select to allow for us to use that in queries. Below we store the selected IDs in a session variable and update a label for the select dropdown.
Copy - OnSelectionChange {
$ Session: Selections = $EventData
if ($ Session: Selections.Count -le 0 ) {
$ Page: TickedCount = ''
else {
$ Page: TickedCount = ' ({0})' -f $ Session: Selections.Count
Sync-UDElement - Id 'DropDownDynamic'
The select drop down uses the selections and then issues an UPDATE command for each of this. This could be optimized to execute a single command with a list of IDs. Once the code the OnChange is run, the table is updated and the drop down is refreshed.
Copy New-UDDynamic - Id "DropDownDynamic" {
New-UDSelect - Id 'DropDown' - DefaultValue 'Bulk Decisions' - Option {
New-UDSelectOption - Name "Bulk Decisions$ Page: TickedCount" - Value "Bulk Decisions"
New-UDSelectOption - Name 'Approve' - Value 'Approve'
New-UDSelectOption - Name 'Revoke' - Value 'Revoke'
} - OnChange {
$Choice = $EventData
$DecisionBit = if ($Choice -eq 'Approve' ) { 1 } else { 0 }
$Selected = $ Session: Selections
# Show-UDToast ('{0}' -f $Session:Selections | Out-String) -Persistent
foreach ($Row in $Selected) {
$Query = @"
UPDATE Certificates
SET Decision = $DecisionBit
WHERE CertificateId = $Row;
Invoke-DbaQuery - SqlInstance '(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB' - Database PSU - Query $Query
Start-Sleep - Seconds 1
$ Page: TickedCount = ''
$ Session: Selection = @ ()
Sync-UDElement - Id 'DropDownDynamic'
Sync-UDElement - Id 'DynamicTable'
Below is a demo of this app.
Complete Example
The entire implementation of the app can be found below.
Copy New-UDApp - Content {
$ Session: Selections = @ ()
#endregion ID Verification and Database Connection
#region Button and Chip Values and Styles
$ Session: SaveBtnClickedFromOpen = $false
$ Session: SaveBtnClickedFromReview = $false
$ Session: ChipLabelUnderOpen = ''
$ Session: ChipLabelUnderReview = ''
# White
$ Page: BtnWhiteApprove = @ { 'background-color' = '#FFFFFF' ; 'color' = '#717171' ; Width = "90px" ; Height = "28px" ; 'margin-left' = '0px' ; 'margin-right' = '2px' }
$ Page: BtnWhiteRevoke = @ { 'background-color' = '#FFFFFF' ; 'color' = '#717171' ; Width = "90px" ; Height = "28px" ; 'margin-left' = '2px' ; 'margin-right' = '0px' }
# Green
$ Page: BtnGreenApprove = @ { 'background-color' = '#00842b' ; 'color' = '#FFFFFF' ; Width = "90px" ; Height = "28px" ; 'margin-left' = '0px' ; 'margin-right' = '2px' }
# Red
$ Page: BtnRedRevoke = @ { 'background-color' = '#EB0A1E' ; 'color' = '#FFFFFF' ; Width = "90px" ; Height = "28px" ; 'margin-left' = '2px' ; 'margin-right' = '0px' }
# Modal
$ Page: BtnWhiteModal = @ { 'background-color' = '#FFFFFF' ; 'color' = '#717171' ; Width = "10px" ; Height = "28px" ; 'margin-left' = '5px' ; 'margin-right' = '0px' ; 'min-width' = '10px' }
$ Page: IconModal = New-UDIcon - Icon 'bars' - Color '#717171' - Title 'Approve' - Solid
$ Page: IconApproveNeutral = New-UDIcon - Icon 'thumbs-up' - Color '#717171' - Title 'Approve' - Solid
$ Page: IconApprove = New-UDIcon - Icon 'thumbs-up' - Color '#FFFFFF' - Title 'Approve' - Solid
$ Page: IconRevokeNeutral = New-UDIcon - Icon 'thumbs-down' - Color '#717171' - Title 'Revoke' - Solid
$ Page: IconRevoke = New-UDIcon - Icon 'thumbs-down' - Color '#FFFFFF' - Title 'Revoke' - Solid
$ Page: TextApprove = 'Approve'
$ Page: TextRevoke = 'Revoke'
#endregion Button and Chip Values and Styles
#region CSS Styles
New-UDHtml - Markup '<style>
.my-custom-tabs .MuiTab-root {
width: 100px; /* Fixed width */
text-align: center; /* Center text */
height: 48px; /* Fixed height */
margin-top: -10px; /* Move text upwards on the page */
.my-custom-tabs .MuiTab-root.Mui-selected {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
color: #1f2328;
font-weight: bold;
.my-custom-tabs .css-7mcwe1-MuiTabs-indicator {
background-color: #EB0A1E;
.css-1gjuw6o-MuiTableRow-root {
vertical-align: baseline !important;
.my-badge-container {
position: relative;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.my-chip-open {
position: absolute;
top: 119px;
left: 75px;
z-index: 1000;
color: #FFFFFF;
background-color: #666666;
width: 52px; /* Fixed width */
height: 15px;
text-align: center; /* Center the text horizontally */
font-size: 10px; /* Adjusted font size */
font-weight: bold; /* Set font weight to bold */
.my-chip-review {
position: absolute;
top: 119px;
left: 174px;
z-index: 1000;
color: #FFFFFF;
background-color: #666666;
width: 52px; /* Fixed width */
height: 15px;
text-align: center; /* Center the text horizontally */
font-size: 10px; /* Adjusted font size */
font-weight: bold; /* Set font weight to bold */
#endregion CSS Styles
# Adding line breaks to push the content down
New-UDHtml - Markup '<br><br>'
#region Grid Container (1) Wraps all code
New-UDGrid - Container - Content {
New-UDPaper - Elevation 1 - Content {
#endregion Grid Container (1) Wraps all code
#region Grid Item (1.1) Tabs
New-UDGrid - Item - ExtraSmallSize 12 - Content {
#endregion Grid Item (1.1) Tabs
New-UDHtml - Markup '<div class="my-badge-container">' # Open container div
#region Grid Container (2) Dropdown and Button
New-UDGrid - Container - Content {
New-UDPaper - Elevation 1 - Content {
#endregion Grid Item (2) Dropdown and Button
#region Grid Item (2.1) Dropdown and Button
New-UDGrid - Item - ExtraSmallSize 3 - Content {
#endregion Grid Item (2.1) Dropdown and Button
#region Dropdown Select
New-UDDynamic - Id "DropDownDynamic" {
New-UDSelect - Id 'DropDown' - DefaultValue 'Bulk Decisions' - Option {
New-UDSelectOption - Name "Bulk Decisions$ Page: TickedCount" - Value "Bulk Decisions"
New-UDSelectOption - Name 'Approve' - Value 'Approve'
New-UDSelectOption - Name 'Revoke' - Value 'Revoke'
} - OnChange {
$Choice = $EventData
$DecisionBit = if ($Choice -eq 'Approve' ) { 1 } else { 0 }
$Selected = $ Session: Selections
# Show-UDToast ('{0}' -f $Session:Selections | Out-String) -Persistent
foreach ($Row in $Selected) {
$Query = @"
UPDATE Certificates
SET Decision = $DecisionBit
WHERE CertificateId = $Row;
Invoke-DbaQuery - SqlInstance '(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB' - Database PSU - Query $Query
Start-Sleep - Seconds 1
$ Page: TickedCount = ''
$ Session: Selection = @ ()
Sync-UDElement - Id 'DropDownDynamic'
Sync-UDElement - Id 'DynamicTable'
#endregion Dropdown Select
#region Grid Container (3) Table
New-UDGrid - Container - Content {
#endregion Grid Container (3) Table
#region Grid Item (3.1) Table
New-UDGrid - Item - ExtraSmallSize 12 - Content {
New-UDPaper - Elevation 1 - Content {
#endregion Grid Item (3.1) Table
#region Table + Filter and Sorts
New-UDDynamic - Id "DynamicTable" {
New-UDDataGrid - ShowPagination - PageSize 10 - RowsPerPageOptions @ ( 10 , 25 , 50 , 100 , 200 ) - CheckboxSelection - LoadRows {
function ConvertTo-ProperCase {
param ($Field)
switch ($Field) {
"username" { "UserName" }
"groupname" { "GroupName" }
$Context = $EventData
$SqlFilter = ""
if ($Context.Filter.Items.Count -gt 0 ) {
$count = 1
foreach ($filter in $Context.Filter.Items) {
if ($count -gt 1 ) {
$SqlFilter += " $ ($Context.Filter.logicOperator) "
else {
$SqlFilter += " WHERE "
switch ($filter.Operator) {
"contains" { $SqlFilter += " $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) LIKE '% $ ($filter.Value) %' " }
"equals" { $SqlFilter += " $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) = ' $ ($filter.Value) ' " }
"startsWith" { $SqlFilter += " $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) LIKE ' $ ($filter.Value) %' " }
"endsWith" { $SqlFilter += " $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) LIKE '% $ ($filter.Value) ' " }
"isAnyOf" {
$count = 1
foreach ($val in $filter.Value) {
if ($count -gt 1 ) {
$list += ", '$val'"
else {
$list += "'$val'"
$count += 1
$SqlFilter += " $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) IN ( $ ($list) ) "
"isempty" { $SqlFilter += " TRIM ( $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) ) IS NULL " }
"isnotempty" { $SqlFilter += " TRIM ( $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) ) IS NOT NULL " }
"notequals" { $SqlFilter += " $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) != ' $ ($filter.Value) ' " }
"notcontains" { $SqlFilter += " $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $filter.Field) NOT LIKE '% $ ($filter.Value) %' " }
$count += 1
$PageSize = $Context.PageSize
# Calculate the number of rows to skip
$Offset = $Context.Page * $PageSize
#endregion Table + Filter and Sorts
#region Create Table Query Herestring
$Query = @"
CertificateId as id,
#endregion Create Table Query Herestring
#region Table Construct Database Query with `Where`, `Paging`, and `Count`
if ($Context.Sort[ 0 ].field -ne $null ) {
$sqlSort = "ORDER BY $ ( ConvertTo-ProperCase $Context.Sort[ 0 ].field) $ ($Context.Sort[ 0 ].sort) "
else {
$sqlPage = "OFFSET $Offset ROWS FETCH NEXT $ ($Context.PageSize) ROWS ONLY;"
$Query = '{0} {1}' -f $Query , "$SqlFilter $sqlSort $sqlPage"
$Count = Invoke-DbaQuery - SqlInstance '(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB' - Database PSU - As SingleValue - Query "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM dbo.Certificates $SqlFilter"
Show-UDToast $Query - Persistent
#endregion Table Construct Database Query with `Where's` and `Paging`
#region Query the Database and Pass `$Session:Data` to Out-UDTableData
$ Session: Data = Invoke-DbaQuery - SqlInstance '(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB' - Database PSU - As PSObjectArray - Query $Query
@ {
rows = [ Array ]$ Session: Data
rowCount = $Count
#endregion Query the Datbase and Pass `$Session:Data` to Out-UDTableData
#region Table Columns
} - Columns @ (
New-UDDataGridColumn - HeaderName 'User' - Field 'UserName' - Filterable - Sortable - Description 'UserName'
New-UDDataGridColumn - HeaderName 'Group' - Field 'GroupName' - Filterable - Sortable
New-UDDataGridColumn - HeaderName 'App' - Field 'AppName' - Filterable - Sortable
New-UDDataGridColumn - HeaderName 'Decision' - Field 'Decision' - MinWidth 300 - Render {
New-UDDynamic - Id $EventData.CertificateId - Content {
function New-DecisionButton {
param (
$Text ,
$Icon ,
$Style ,
$CertificateId ,
New-UDButton - Text $Text - Icon $Icon - Style $Style - OnClick {
$ Session: updateButton = $true
$Query = @"
UPDATE Certificates
SET Decision = $Decision
WHERE CertificateId = $CertificateId;
Invoke-DbaQuery - SqlInstance '(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB' - Database PSU - Query $Query
Sync-UDElement - Id $CertificateId
} - ShowLoading
if ($ Session: updateButton) {
$item = Invoke-DbaQuery - SqlInstance '(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB' - Database PSU - Query ( 'SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Certificates] WHERE CertificateId = {0}' -f $EventData.CertificateId)
$EventData.Decision = $item.Decision
$ Session: updateButton = $false
if ($EventData.Decision -eq 1 ) {
New-DecisionButton - Text 'Approve' - Icon $ Page: IconApprove - Style $ Page: BtnGreenApprove - CertificateId $EventData.CertificateId - Decision 'NULL'
New-DecisionButton - Text 'Revoke' - Icon $ Page: IconRevokeNeutral - Style $ Page: BtnWhiteRevoke - CertificateId $EventData.CertificateId - Decision '0'
elseif ($EventData.Decision -eq 0 ) {
New-DecisionButton - Text 'Approve' - Icon $ Page: IconApproveNeutral - Style $ Page: BtnWhiteApprove - CertificateId $EventData.CertificateId - Decision '1'
New-DecisionButton - Text 'Revoke' - Icon $ Page: IconRevoke - Style $ Page: BtnRedRevoke - CertificateId $EventData.CertificateId - Decision 'NULL'
else {
New-DecisionButton - Text 'Approve' - Icon $ Page: IconApproveNeutral - Style $ Page: BtnWhiteApprove - CertificateId $EventData.CertificateId - Decision '1'
New-DecisionButton - Text 'Revoke' - Icon $ Page: IconRevokeNeutral - Style $ Page: BtnWhiteRevoke - CertificateId $EventData.CertificateId - Decision '0'
#region Table OnRowSelection
) - OnSelectionChange {
$ Session: Selections = $EventData
if ($ Session: Selections.Count -le 0 ) {
$ Page: TickedCount = ''
else {
$ Page: TickedCount = ' ({0})' -f $ Session: Selections.Count
Sync-UDElement - Id 'DropDownDynamic'
#endregion Table OnRowSelection