Tree View Font Size
This sample uses UDStyle to change the font size of the tree view control.
In this example, we use UDStyle to change the font size of the tree item labels. You can view a full list of CSS classes for the tree view here.
New-UDStyle -Content {
New-UDTreeView -Id "Tree1" -Expanded -Node {
New-UDTreeNode -Name "Pre-Project" -Children {
New-UDTreeNode -Name "Recorded Walkthrough of Process"
New-UDTreeNode -Name "Project Kick-Off" -Children {
New-UDTreeNode -Name "Create project kickoff slide deck"
New-UDTreeNode -Name "Verify Development Environment" -Children {
New-UDTreeNode -Name "Verify client VPN connectivity"
New-UDTreeNode -Name "Verify client internal network access"
New-UDTreeNode -Name "Verify development Windows Device"
} -Style @{
"width" = 800
} -Style ".MuiTreeItem-label { font-size: 25px }"