
PowerShell Universal is licensed per server. We provide licenses for individuals and organizations.

You can purchase a license on our website.

What's a server?

A server is a single running instance of PowerShell Universal.

Developer Licenses

When a server license is purchased, you will be able to generate developer licenses for users building solutions for your team. Developer licenses do not allow remote access and are intended to be used locally. Do not use developer licenses when hosting a server for remote access for testing or production.

You can generate a developer license on the Settings \ License page by clicking the Generate Developer License button.

Free Use Restrictions

Universal can be used forever for free with the following limitations.


  • No authentication

  • No Rate Limiting


  • 25 jobs per day

  • 2 concurrent jobs

  • No Triggers

  • No Terminals


  • No authentication

  • No access to diagnostic tools


  • No authentication

  • No variables


  • No debugging tools

Last updated

Copyright 2024 Ironman Software