
Dashboards are the root component for a web site.

Dashboards are the root component for all components and pages.

Basic Dashboards

The basic dashboard requires a title and content.

New-UDDashboard -Title 'Dashboard' -Content {


Dashboard with Pages

Pages allow you to organize your dashboard into separate URLs under the same dashboard. You can learn more about pages here.

The below dashboard will have pages available at /page1 and /page2.

New-UDDDashboard -Title 'Pages' -Pages @(
     New-UDPage -Name 'Page1' -Content {}
     New-UDPage -Name 'Page2' -Content {}

Custom Not Found Page

When using multiple pages, users may access a page that does not exist. By default, a standard not found page will be displayed. To customize the not found page, use the -PageNotFound parameter.

New-UDDDashboard -Title 'Pages' -Pages @(
     New-UDPage -Name 'Page1' -Content {}
     New-UDPage -Name 'Page2' -Content {}
) -PageNotFound {
   New-UDTypograhy 'Not Found'

Custom Not Authorized Page

By default, the Not Found page will be displayed when a user is not authorized to view it. If you customize the Not Authorized page, this will be displayed instead.

New-UDDDashboard -Title 'Pages' -Pages @(
     New-UDPage -Name 'Page1' -Content {}
     New-UDPage -Name 'Page2' -Content {} -Role Administrator
) -NotAuthorized {
   New-UDTypograhy 'Not Authorized'

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