Date Picker

Date Picker component for Universal Dashboard

Date pickers pickers provide a simple way to select a single value from a pre-determined set.

Date pickers can be used in Forms and Steppers.


OnChange Event Handler

The OnChange event handler is called when the date changes. You can access the current date by using the $Body variable.

New-UDDatePicker -OnChange {
    Show-UDToast -Message $body


You can customize how the date picker is show. The default is the inline variant that displays the date picker popup inline with the input control. You can also use the dialog variant that pops the date picker up in the middle of the screen. Finally, the static variant displays the date picker without having to click anything.

New-UDDatePicker -Variant static


To set the locate of the date picker, specify the -Locale parameter.

New-UDDatePicker -Locale fr


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