
Installation instructions for PowerShell Universal.

MSI Install (Windows)

The MSI install will create a PowerShell Universal service. By default, PowerShell Universal will be listening on port 5000. You will be able to navigate to http://localhost:5000 and login with admin and password admin.

MSI downloads are available on our download page.

MSI Parameters

The following table contains the parameters you can specify if running msiexec against our MSI install for automation purposes.

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value


The installation folder for PowerShell Universal



The TCP port the HTTP server will be listening on.



The repository folder to save the configuration files to.



The LiteDB or SQL connection string.



LiteDB or SQL



Whether to start the service after install (0 or 1)



The service account to set for the Windows service



The service account password to set for the Windows Service



Below is an example of how to run msiexec.exe to install PowerShell Universal and provide parameters to the installer.

 Start-Process msiexec.exe -ArgumentList "/I C:\Users\adamr\Downloads\PowerShellUniversal.3.5.1.msi /q /norestart /L*V `"C:\users\adamr\desktop\msi.log.txt`" STARTSERVICE=0" -Wait -NoNewWindow

ZIP Install

You can also download the ZIP from our Downloads page if you would like to xcopy deploy the files on Windows or Linux.


You can start Universal by unzipping the contents, unblocking the files and then executing Universal.Server.exe.

Expand-Archive -Path .\ -DestinationPath .\Universal
Get-ChildItem .\Universal -Recurse | Unblock-File
Start-Process .\Universal\Universal.Server.exe


You can use the following command line on Linux to install and start PowerShell Universal.

 sudo apt install unzip 
 unzip -d PSU
 chmod +x ./PSU/Universal.Server

PowerShell Module

You can use the PowerShell Universal PowerShell module to install the Universal server. To install the module, use Install-Module.

Install-Module Universal

To install the Universal server, you can use Install-PSUServer.

Install-PSUServer -LatestVersion

If you run this command on Windows, a Windows service will be created and started on your machine. If you run this command on Linux, a systemd service will be created and started. If you run this command on Mac OS, the PowerShell Universal server will be downloaded and extracted.

Chocolatey Package (Windows)

Chocolatey packages for PowerShell Universal are usually available within a week of release but will not be available the day of a release.

You can install PowerShell Universal using the Chocolatey package. The package runs the MSI install. It will install Universal as a service and open a web browser after the install.

You can login with the "admin" user and any password.

choco install powershelluniversal


See the Docker page.

IIS Install

Please visit the IIS hosting documentation for information on how to configure PowerShell Universal as an IIS website.

Antivirus Configuration

PowerShell Universal takes full advantage of PowerShell and the PowerShell SDK. It includes PowerShell scripts directly in the product. You will want to consider configuring antivirus to allow for execution of PowerShell scripts in PowerShell Universal.


The following directories will contain scripts and executable files that may need to be excluded from antivirus checks.

The following are examples from a standard Windows system. Changing paths within appsettings.json or within the installer will require changing which directories are execluded.



Contains log files and appsettings.json


Contains PowerShell scripts and artifacts. Contains the single file database when not using SQL integration.


Contains PowerShell Universal application executables, libraries and modules.


It may be necessary to exclude certain executables that will run PowerShell scripts. The below is a list of executables that will run PowerShell from PowerShell Universal.



The PowerShell Universal core service.


The PowerShell Universal agent environment executable.


PowerShell 7.x


PowerShell 5.x

Next Steps

At this point, Universal is up and running. You can navigate to the admin console by visiting http://localhost:5000 by default. The default username is admin with a password of admin.

Last updated

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