Line Chart
A line chart that can display output from scripts and APIs.
Line charts can retrieve output from scripts and APIs to display the data in a chart.‌
Display Data from an API
You will need to return an array of JSON objects from your API in order to use a bar chart. An example would be returning a list of hashtables serialized to JSON.
In this example, you would configure the data source to an API and select your API endpoint.
You would then specify Name as the X axis and Value as the Y axis.​​
The resulting chart contains the data from the API. Each time the page is loaded, the API is called.​
Display Data from a Script
You will need to return PSCustomObjects, objects or hashtables from your script in order to display a chart from a script.
You will need to set the data source to script and select the script you want to retrieve data for.​
You will need to set the Y and X axis to the properties of the object returned from the script.​‌
The chart will appear on the page like this. Loading the page will not call the script again. It will load the result of the last time the script ran.​
Available Since
The ID of this component
X Axis Field
The field to use as the X Axis for data within the chart.
Y Axis Field
The field to use as the Y Axis for data within the chart.
Data Source Type
Whether to use a script or API as a data source.
Data Source
The script or API to use as data for the chart.
The bar color to use for the chart.
Last updated