
Variables available in PowerShell Universal pages.

This feature requires a PowerShell Universal license.

Variables allow you modify the functionality of a page depending on factors such as the user name or URL route. Variable-based routes allow you to create dynamic pages based on the URL the user is visiting.

Variables that are defined with Platform \ Variables will also be available to pages.

Viewing Variables

Variables can be viewed when editing a page. To view variables, click Edit and then Variables.

A drawer will appear with the variables for the current page.

Using Variables

Variables can be used anywhere you can type a property value. For example, if you have an Alert, you could use the $pagename variable within the title property.

When the page is rendered, the variable will be replaced.

You can also use variables within targets and data sources. This allows you to call URLs that will change based on the variable.

You can also use variables to provide hidden input fields to APIs and scripts.

Page Variables

You can load additional data when the page is loading by providing a data source to in the page properties. The data source should return a single PSCustomObject or hashtable. The properties of the object will become variables within the page.

For example, assume you have an API that returns the following hashtable.

    Name = "My Name"
    Title = "My Title"

Selecting this API as the data source for the page would then create the variables $Name and $Title within the page.

You can also use Route Variables within the data source to customize which API is called based on the route visited.

Route Variables

Route variables need to be defined when creating the URL for the page. Each section of the URL that starts with : will be treated as a variable.

For example, this page defines a single route variable.

Within the page, the route variables will appear within the variable drawer.

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