What's New in v3?

New features in PowerShell Universal v3.

SQL Server Support

You can now persist jobs, identities and app tokens in a SQL server database to allow for multi-node instances that provide high availability and load balancing.

Improved Editing Experience

Features such as live logging and advanced dashboard and repository editors of the admin console have been added to make editing scripts in PowerShell Universal easier to develop and debug.

Desktop Features

PowerShell Universal Desktop now offers integrations like file associations, hot keys, system events and custom protocols to trigger scripts when certain things happen on your system.


A built in translation provider is available in your dashboards, scripts, and APIs to provide the proper language when returning data back to your end users.

New Dashboard Components

New dashboard components such as the data grid, stack, badge, timeline and schema form allow you to bring even more functionality to your user interfaces.

Last updated

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