Changelog for PowerShell Universal.
1.5.22 - 4/21/2022
⚠️ Security Issue
Fixed an issue where a user could access files outside of the published folder
1.5.21 - 7/7/2021
UniversalDashboard - v3.3.8
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.1.0
UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0
Fixed an issue where dashboards would restart when managing variables
Updated to PowerShell SDK version 7.0.6
Fixed an issue with git sync
1.5.20 - 6/4/2021
UniversalDashboard - v3.3.8
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.1.0
UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0
Added -Options to New-UDCodeEditor
Added $Headers, $Cookies, $RemoteIpAddress, $LocalIpAddress, $RemotePort, and $LocalPort to authentication.ps1
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where setting a default sort column in a UDTable without setting the default sort direction wouldn't sort the table
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with Show-UDToast and -Icon
1.5.19 - 5/14/2021
UniversalDashboard - v3.3.7
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0
UDv3 - Added New-UDHidden
UDv3 - Added -HideToggleAllRowsSelect to remove the select all rows toggle
UDv3 - Added -DisableMultiSelect to New-UDTable
Removed the need to call the REST API from jobs
Fixed an issue with scheduling one-time schedules and time zones
Fixed an issue where error action would not work for scheduled scripts
Fixed an issue where the user name would not be shown on the sessions tab
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with New-UDExpansionPanel -Active
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where validation would happen twice for textboxes within forms
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where autocomplete default values would not be available in forms
UDv3 - OnRowSelected for New-UDTable will trigger for both selecting and unselecting a row and will now include whether the row was selected or not
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where OnRowSelected would not trigger when all rows were toggled
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where the logout button would redirect to a blank page
Fixed an issue with the UniversalDashboard module install
Increase max request and header size
1.5.18 - 5/7/2021
UniversalDashboard - v3.3.6
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0
Fixed an issue where an exception would be thrown during certain types of authentication
1.5.17 - 5/6/2021
Known issue with authentication and authorization. You may experience problems logging in.
UniversalDashboard - v3.3.6
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0
UDv3 - Added -MaxWidth to New-UDSelect
UDv3 - Added -FontWeight to New-UDTypography
UDv3 - Added -Style to New-UDTreeView
UDv3 - Added -Multiple to New-UDAutocomplete
Fixed an issue where requests over 2KB would return a 404 not found.
Fixed an issue when scheduling a script with boolean parameters
Fixed an issue when scheduling delayed schedules with different sets of credentials.
Reduce memory consumption when running many jobs a day
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where selecting a multioption select group wouldn't select the items in the group.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with putting a UDProgress bar within a UDCard.
Fixed an issue with published folder roles in the admin console
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where server-side export would not show a progress bar
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where return $null from -Render in New-UDTableColumn would cause the table to fail to load
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -Active would not work on New-UDExpansionPanel
Load dashboard framework before other modules
Fixed an issue where the session time out window would not appear in IIS
Fixed an issue where changing from role-based to policy-based identites would cause a user to fail to login
1.5.16 - 4/19/2021
UniversalDashboard - v3.3.5
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0
Added support for passing parameters via form data
UDv3 - Added ability to set active step and disable previous step in UDStepper.
UDv3 - Added avatar and logout button
UDv3 - Added -Variant to New-UDTextbox
UDv3 - Added Autocomplete to -FilterType on New-UDTable
UDv3 - Added -Variant to New-UDAutoComplete
UDv3 - Added Debug with VS Code Insiders button to Debug-PSUDashboard
Added configuration option for dashboard startup timeout.
UDv3 - Added -DefaultSortDirection to New-UDTable
Fixed an issue where a variable and route piece sharing the same name would cause the route to fail
Improved error message when an invalid parameter is used with Invoke-UAScript\Invoke-PSUScript
Fixed an issue where -UseDefaultCredentials would not work with Invoke-UAScript
UDv3 - Sort select filters on New-UDTable
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with New-UDTable filters where they would list the count as 0
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where the dashboard would timeout but would not notify the user
Fixed 4MB size limitation of PSUCache.
1.5.15 -4/5/2021
UniversalDashboard - v3.3.4
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0
Added JobDebugging setting to enable logging directly from the job process
Added JobHandshakeTimeout setting to adjust the number of seconds a job will wait for the handshake before timing out
Added ContinueJobOnServerStop setting to prevent jobs from terminating if the server process stops
UDv3 - Added -SortType to New-UDTableColumn to allow for selecting the type of sorting (alphanumeric vs datetime) - #9
UDv3 - Added loading progress bar when server-side processing is performing a server-side function
UDv3 - Added -OnExport to New-UDTable to control what data is exported from PowerShell
UDv3 - Added -DisablePageSizeAll to New-UDTable
Dashboard startup now honors -PersistentRunspace
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with New-UDTable where the export would use an invalid file name - #76
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDTable sort was case sensitive - #8
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where the counts in the search field would be incorrect when using server-side processing
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where the filter search text was not being honored for New-UDTextOption
Fixed an issue where Install-PSUServer would use the wrong separator for the $ENV:PATH variable on Linux and OSX
Fixed an issue where PSU would try to sign out in Windows Auth configurations resulting in an error in the event log
Fixed an issue where git sync branch selection would not work
1.5.14 - 3/4/2021
UniversalDashboard - v3.3.3
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0
UDv3 - Added -DisableThemeToggle to New-UDDashboard
Added a CorrelationCookie setting to WS-Federation authentication.
Multiple roles can now be assigned to an endpoint
Help - Invoke-UAScript - Fixed an issue with one of the examples
Fixed an issue where Get-PSUJobOutput would only return errors.
Fixed an issue where one-time schedules could be updated or deleted incorrectly
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with New-UDTable server-side filtering.
Multiple roles can now be assigned to a published folder
Fixed an issue where creating a new dashboard would always have auto start and auto deploy disabled.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with -Endpoint on New-UDColumn.
UDv3 - New-UDPage now supports an array of roles for the -Role parameter
Fixed an issue where the authentication switch wouldn't work in the dashboard properties dialog.
Fixed an issue where roles would be duplicated
Fixed an issue where WS-Federation would not work due to an correlation cookie problem.
1.5.13 - 2/19/2021
UniversalDashboard - v3.3.2
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0
Added -AutoDeploy to New-PSUDashboard allow configuring of whether a dashboard restarts when changes are made.
UDv3 - Added -SubmitText and -CancelText to New-UDForm for customizing button text.
UDv3 - Added -NextButtonText, -BackButtonText and -FinishButtonText to New-UDStepper.
Added support for defining git sync behavior. You can now specify One-Way git sync that will make the console and API readonly and will only pull changes.
Added support for LiteDB v5
Fixed an issue where string array parameters would not be passed correctly to scheduled jobs.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where table column max-width would be set to 0 by default.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -Multiple and New-UDSelectGroup would not work together
No longer statically assign a Reader role when -GrantAppToken is used with New-PSUDashboard.
Fixed an issue where the admin console would redirect to the login page when the session timed out even if forms auth wasn't being used.
Enabled the ability to disable forms authentication form the UI.
1.5.12 - 2/10/2021
UniversalDashboard - v3.3.1
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0
Added $AccessToken and $IdToken variables for accessing OIDC and WS-Fed tokens within dashboards.
Fixed an issue where manually executed jobs would continue to run after completing.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with UDProgress where an error about an invalid constructor would be shown.
1.5.11 - 2/10/2021
UniversalDashboard - v3.3.0
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0
UDv3 - Added New-UDTableTextOption to allow for customizing table text like search and export labels.
The UDStyle component is now included with the Universal package
Added Restart button to the dashboard page in the admin console
Added -ExportOption to New-UDTable to configure which options to allow for export
UDv3 - Added -Truncate to New-UDTableColumn to truncate and hide text that's long than the width of the column
UDv3 - Added -Footer to New-UDAppBar to allow for the creation of footers
UDv3 - Added -DisableThemeToggle to New-UDAppBar to hide the theme toggle switch
UDv3 - Added New-UDTransition
UDv3 - Added New-UDAlert
UDv3 - Added New-UDSkeleton
Added -SessionTimeout to New-UDDashboard to override the server session timeout per dashboard
Added support for assigning multiple roles to a dashboard.
UDv3 - Added New-UDBackdrop
UDv3 - Added -OnClick to New-UDLink
UDv3 - Added -Orientation to New-UDStepper
Added support for configuring the correlation cookie same site settings for OIDC.
Added support for specifying Git Branch for Git Sync
Fixed an issue where continuous schedules would cause the server to fail to execute jobs due to worker threads being exhausted
Fixed an issue where a schedule could run multiple times after service restart.
Fixed an issue where one-time schedules could run more than once
Improved New-PSUSchedule -Script so you can pass a string in as well as a Script object
Fixed an issue where parameters names would hang off the schedule modal in the admin console.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where vertical tabs would have a static height.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with New-UDTable -ShowPagination where it would automatically turn on pagination even when it wasn't used
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDTable would sort the first column ascending by default (now uses the data as-is if no sort is specified)
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where sorting was enabled on New-UDTable by default. You now need to enable it with -ShowSort
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -ArgumentList would not work on New-UDDynamic
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDSelect with no options defined would cause a React error
Improved error message shown when a terminating exception is thrown during dashboard start up
Fixed an issue where cmdlets that rely on websockets and that use the -Broadcast parameter or when executed from scheduled endpoints would appear on all dashboards.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -Width on New-UDTableColumn didn't work.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDDatePicker wouldn't work with non-US date formats.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDProgress -Color, -ProgressColor and -BackgroundColor would not work.
UDv3 - Fixed -Icon on New-UDTab.
Fixed a problem where certain authentication providers wouldn't work with OIDC due to correlation cookie problems.
Fixed an issue where setting an identity from a specific role back to Policy Defined would result in the policy not executing correctly
Fixed an issue where authenticating against Okta with OIDC wouldn't set the user name properly
Fixed an issue where authenticating with a large number of claims would cause the web server to return a 431 error
Fixed an issue where revoked app tokens would be deleted in the groom service immediately
Fixed an issue where variables were not available in authentication or authorization scripts.
UDv3 - Removed -Stacked from New-UDTab
Known Issues
Error with UDProgress -
Manually run jobs will continue to run up to 10 times after finishing
1.5.10 - 2/1/2020
Known issue: Some users may experience problems signing in with certain OIDC providers.
UniversalDashboard - v3.2.7
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
When an AppToken is used for authentication with the API, it will be available as $AppToken within the API's endpoint
Fixed issue where saving endpoints would not update from the admin console
Fixed an issue where New-PSUApiResponse -Cookies would not be sent to the client
Fixed an issue with PSCredential parameters
Honor Environment's Persistent Runspace setting in dashboards.
UDv3 - Disable fetch service when session times out
UDv3 - Session time out now checks for expired authorization cookies
Display app tokens per user
Added $Method variable to indicate the HTTP method of the endpoint called.
Added $Cookies variable with a hashtable of cookie values
Added -Headers parameter to New-PSUApiResponse
Added the ability to assign run as credentials for scripts and a -Credential parameter to New-PSUScript
Added $Headers variable to dashboard to provide access to HTTP headers.
Added $Cookies variable with a hashtable of cookie values
Added UseTokenLifetime setting for WS-Federation and OIDC
1.5.9 - 1/14/2020
UniversalDashboard - v3.2.6
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
Added -UseDefaultCredentials to all Management API cmdlets.
Fixed an issue where updating APIs with the management API could duplicate the endpoint
Fixed an issue where API URLs and Methods wouldn't update
BREAKING CHANGE: Errors thrown in APIs now return 400 (bad request) rather than 500 (internal server error)
Fixed issue where -MaxHistory would not persist on New-PSUScript
The environment drop down is now hidden in the run dialog when an environment is set on the script
Fixed an issue where switch parameters would not work with schedules
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDTable would show a React error with certain empty properties
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDDynamic would remove\add components causing a flash when they reloaded
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -Label on New-UDDatePicker would not work
Fixed an issue where you couldn't delete a dashboard framework from the UI
Fixed a mismatch with the PowerShell module version and the Universal server
Removed the Log Level setting from the General settings page because it doesn't do anything
Added -Uri alias to the -ComputerName parameter for cmdlets in the Universal module since Urls are supported
Added Wreply option for WS-Federation authentication
1.5.8 - 12/27/2020
Known Issue: The Universal PowerShell module included with 1.5.8 is 1.5.7 and will show a warning when running against the 1.5.8 server. This can be safely ignored.
UniversalDashboard - v3.2.5
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with New-UDTable and PSCustomObject.
UniversalDashboard.Charts - Added MinValue and MaxValue to New-UDNivoChart -Calendar
1.5.7 - 12/18/2020
Note that although it is listed that the MSI upgrade will not reset the service account, this will not actually take effect until the next version.
UniversalDashboard - v3.2.4
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.1
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
Fixed an issue where clicking the run button on the second page of scripts would execute the wrong script
Fixed an issue where you would have to delete a dashboard twice to get it to delete
Fixed an issue where adding a dashboard in the UI would enable auto-start even when it wasn't on
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with blank pages.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDTable would return an error when it only had 1 row.
Fixed an issue where authorization policies would run on every request when using Windows Auth outside of IIS.
Fixed an issue where the Universal PowerShell module would show a warning when running in Windows PowerShell
Fixed an issue where alternate security environments would not work
Fixed an issue where upgrading via MSI would remove the configured service account
Fixed an issue where Install-PSUServer would not work on Mac OS
1.5.6 - 12/12/2020
UniversalDashboard - v3.2.3
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.1
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
Fixed an issue where subscription licenses could cause the server to hang on startup.
1.5.5 - 12/11/2020
UniversalDashboard - v3.2.3
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.1
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
Fixed an issue where variables would not be available in APIs are server restart
Fixed an issue where calling a job from another job could fail
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with New-UDButton and New-UDButtonIcon -Disabled not working properly
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where passing a $null value to -Data of New-UDTable would cause a React error.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where passing complex object properties to -Data of New-UDTable would result in a React error
UDv2 - Fixed an issue where Set-UDElement -Content would not work with New-UDElement
Fixed an issue where Get-PSUCache would throw an error when a key did not exist
Default RedirectToHttps to false because there is no default HTTPS endpoint
1.5.4 - 12/04/2020
UniversalDashboard - v3.2.2
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.8
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.1
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
Added cmdlet help
Fixed an issue where -UseDefaultCredentials would not work with an API running as a service with Windows Auth
Fixed an issue where triggers could not use the Management API
Fixed an issue where the Execute role would not be able to login to the admin console.
Fixed an issue where -DataPointHistory would not work on New-UDChartJSMonitor
Set default values for -BaseUrl and -DashboardFramework on New-PSUDashboard
Fixed an issue where -Role was not being enforced properly for authenticated dashboards
Fixed an issue where authentication could not be enabled on a dashboard even with a license
UDv3 - Fixed a regression with Set-UDElement and UDTextbox in a UDForm
UDv3 - Added -FullWidth to New-UDAutocomplete
Universal cmdlets will now show a warning if connecting to a mismatched server and module version
Fixed an issue where Install-PSUServer wouldn't work for Linux or Mac.
1.5.3 - 11/26/2020
UniversalDashboard - v3.2.1
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.8
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.0
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
Fixed an issue where you couldn't create a schedule with Run As credentials
Fixed an issue where you couldn't create two schedules for one script
Fixed an issue where Run As credentials wouldn't be listed in the schedule table
Fixed an issue where One Time jobs could run more than once
Fixed an issue where scripts with absolute or nested paths would not be visible in the admin console
Fixed an issue where login page would not reload on server restart
Fixed an issue where you could not change the Identity role within the admin console
Added support for param block in API endpoints
Removed the Never expiration lifetime for app tokens.
1.5.2 - 11/22/2020
UniversalDashboard - v3.2.1
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.8
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.0
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
Fixed an issue where non-global rate limits would not work
Fixed an issue where New-PSURateLimit would call the incorrect REST API method
Fixed an issue with Invoke-UAScript not working
Fixed an issue where -ScriptBlock would not work on New-PSUScript when using single-file configuration.
Fixed an issue where -TimeOut was an int instead of a double on New-PSUScript
Fixed an issue where missing components could cause dashboards to fail to start or update from the UI
Fixed an issue where dashboard could be started multiple times and would not stop properly
Fixed an issue where Start-PSUServer wouldn't correctly identify the configuration script.
Fixed an issue where Get-PSUEnvironment was not exported in the module manifest
Fixed an issue where Grant-PSUAppToken would not generate custom tokens
Fixed an issue where Remove-PSUEnvironment was not exported in the module manifest
Added icon to the MSI
1.5.1 - 11/20/2020
UniversalDashboard - v3.2.1
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.8
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.0
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
UDv3 - Added -Text parameter to New-UDCard
UDv3 - Added -LoadNavigation to New-UDPage
Fixed an issue where automation jobs would not run as the selected user
Fixed an issue where the Get-Job -Script parameter would not work
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with -Disable didn't work for New-UDSelect
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -PageSize and -PageOptions would not work in New-UDTable
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where export would not work
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where search would not work
Fixed an issue where multiple dashboard processes could be started for one dashboard.
Fixed an issue where Start-PSUServer would located the Universal.Server.exe correctly
Fixed an issue where Install-PSUServer didn't have a default parameter set.
Fixed an issue where an upgrade from 1.4 to 1.5 would fail
Fixed an issue where the login page customizations wouldn't work for certain license types
Fixed an issue with the ZIP file created for Mac OS X systems
Fixed an issue where Start-PSUServer would not work on Linux or Mac OS X
Fixed an issue where Start-PSUServer would not call chmod +x on Linux and Mac OS X
Fixed an issue where the New-PSUAuthorizationClaim cmdlet wasn't exported from the module manifest
1.5.0 - 11/17/2020
UniversalDashboard - v3.2.0
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.8
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.0
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
Added timeout value to jobs
Added execute only role
Added concurrent job limit for scripts
Added support for string[] parameters in the UI
Added $RemoteIpAddress, $LocalIpAddress, $LocalPort and $RemotePort automatic variables
UDv3 - Added New-UDDateTime
UDv3 - Added -Logo to New-UDDashboard and New-UDPage
Added support for query string parameters
Added support for setting the dashboard to use the latest UD version.
Added $ClaimsPrincipal variable
Added support for defining default documents for published folders
UDv3 - Added New-UDErrorBoundary
UDV3 - Added -DefaultTheme to New-UDDashboard
Added New-UDChartJSMonitor and Out-UDChartJSMonitorData to UniversalDashboard.Charts.
Added a Refresh context menu command to the dashboard log
UDv3 - Added -Content parameter to Set-UDElement
Added support for updating and retrieving configuration files through the management API
Added support for setting the PSModulePath on environments
Added support for Mac OS
Added support for customizing login pages.
Added support for disabling redirection from HTTP to HTTPS
Added server-level cache support
Added support for creating custom app tokens.
Added support for disabling forms authentication
Fixed an issue with the API editor where it would lose characters
Licensed API modals will default to authenticated
Fixed an issue where using the same script multiple times would cause issues
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with MaxWidth on Show-UDModal
Fixed an issue where boolean $EventData variables would be hashtables rather than bools
Fixed an issue where an error would be shown when a new runspace was created
Automatically reload client's browsers when dashboards change
Fixed an issue where the configuration reload would delete files
Marketplace won't let you install already installed modules
Licensed dashboard modals will default to authenticated
Fixed an issue where running as a service, you wouldn't be able to change the selected credential
Fixed an issue with gRPC and Linux ARM
Fixed an issue where deploying dashboard assets could fail during startup
Fixed an issue where attempting to retrieve the highest dashboard version would fail
Optimized configuration loading behavior to only reload items that changed
Moving some configuration data to an in-memory database for better performance
Prevent custom roles from viewing the admin console
Fixed an issue where standard cmdlets wouldn't work in authentication.ps1
1.4.9 - 11-10-2020
UniversalDashboard - v3.1.6
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.8
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.2.0
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
Added support for RemoteIpAddress, LocalIpAddress, RemotePort, and LocalPort variables
Fixed an issue with web server performance on Windows
1.4.8 - 11-9-2020
UniversalDashboard - v3.1.6
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.8
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.2.0
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
Added -PersistentRunspace to New-PSUEnvironment to prevent APIs from resetting runspaces per execution.
Fixed an issue where characters would be lost when saving API changes
Fixed an issue where editor themes would conflict between the API editor and other editors
Fixed an issue where the API host would fail to load the Universal module
Fixed an issue where running as a service, you wouldn't be able to change the selected credential
UDv2 - Fixed an issue where the session timeout modal would use the existing header of a modal
UDv2 - Fixed an issue where New-UDSideNav -Endpoint would not work
Fixed an issue where dashboards could be marked as running when they actually were not
Fixed an issue where the alt text for the View button was Global.
Fixed an issue where Windows auth would not redirect correctly for dashboards
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -LoadingComponent would only work once
1.4.7 - 11-2-2020
UniversalDashboard - v3.1.5
UniversalDashboard - v2.9.7
UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.2.0
UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0
UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4
UDv3 - Added Debug-PSUDashboard
UDv2 - Added session timeout modal
Added setting for RedirectToHttps
Improved error logging.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with Set-UDElement not updating the form context for UDTextbox
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where PSCustomObjects wouldn't work after a table refresh
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where server-side tables $ field was not populated
Fixed an issue where $ and " would not be escaped in variable values
1.4.6 - 10-27-2020
UDv3 - Added -FullWidth parameter to New-UDTextbox
Fixed issue where endpoint modal was not setting authentication setting correctly.
Fixed an issue where job logs would not update during job runs.
Fixed issue where session timeout was only honored on the cookie
Fixed issue with dashboard modal not setting authentication setting correctly.
Fixed issue where the dashboard log may not be written and would throw an exception
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where PSCustomObjects would not work in New-UDTable
Fixed an issue where arguments were not correctly applied to Environments
Fixed an issue where setting the ExecutionPolicy as an argument in Environments would not apply
1.4.5 - 10-20-2020
Fixed an issue where Windows Auth outside of IIS would not work with APIs
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with UDTable custom rendering performance
Fixed an issue where if a dashboard was stopped, no statistics could be retrieved for any dashboards
Fixed an issue with icons not working
UDv2 Fixed issue an where Get-UDElement would not work.
UDv2 Fixed an issue where Write-UDLog would not work.
UDv3 Fixed an issue where -Role was case sensitive for New-UDPage
UDv2 Fixed an issue where -Role was missing on New-UDPage
Fixed an issue where an exception could be thrown when using OpenID Connect
Fixed issue where you couldn't set arguments in the UI for Environments
Breaking Change
There was a breaking change made to New-UDTableColumn
-Render. The $Body
variable is no longer available and you need to use $EventData
instead. See the below example for the syntax that will be required.
Prior to 1.4.5, the syntax would have been like this.
1.4.5 and later, the syntax will be like this. $EventData
is a special variable that will be available in the -Render
parameter and does not require converting from JSON.
1.4.4 - 10-13-2020
Added -ErrorAction support to New-PSUEndpoint
Enhanced logging for endpoints that throw errors
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with UDTable not working within UDCard.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where calling Set-UDElement on a UDTextbox would overlay the label.
UDv2 - Fixed an issue where OpenID Connect and WS-Federation authentication would fail
UDv2\UDv3 - Fixed an issue where client elements of UDElement would not rerender.
Fixed an issue where saving a component from the marketplace would return a 400 error
Removed red dots in the menu when a license wasn't installed
Fixed an issue where the WindowsCompatibility module would not work in Universal
1.4.3 - 10-06-2020
Added a setting to disable checking for updates
Extra validation on endpoint URL
Fixed issue with authentication setting not persisting from UI
Fixed an issue where modifying variables or environments wouldn't change until service restart
Fixed an issue where parameters for schedules were not formatted correctly in the UI
Fixed an issue where updating the properties of a script in the UI would remove the environment parameter
Fixed an issue where modifying variables or environments wouldn't change until service restart
Fixed an issue where OnNodeClicked would not work with New-UDTreeView
Fixed an issue that was preventing the dashboard from loading in IE11
Fixes for accessibility of menus
Fixed an issue where secrets may not be set correctly in an environment
Fixed an issue that would cause the service to crash when dashboards were logging
1.4.2 - 10-02-2020
Fixed an issue where saving dashboards.ps1 configuration file would lose components
Fixed an issue where upgrading would cause the loss of a one of the PS versions
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where table would show an error if an object was passed to a column
Fixed an issue where the Code Editor diff tool wouldn't work
Fixed an issue where the configuration refresh endpoint would only work with cookie auth
Fixed an issue where secrets would not be set in an environment
1.4.1 - 10-01-2020
Fixed an issue that would prevent forms based authentication form working.
1.4.0 - 10-01-2020
Added -ApiEnvironment parameter to Set-PSUSettings
Added API rate limiting
Added LocalIpAddress, RemoteIpAddress, LocalPort and RemotePort variables
Continuous scheduling
UDCodeEditor component is now included
UDv3 - Added -Variant to New-UDDrawer
UDv3 - Added -Anchor to New-UDDrawer
UDv3 - Added -PageSize to New-UDTable
UDv3 - Added -PageSizeOptions to New-UDTable
UDv3 - Added -Padding to New-UDTable
Role-based access for dashboards
UDv3 - Role-based access for dashboard pages.
UDv3 - Display page when dashboard isn't running
UDv2 - Fixed an issue where UDMonitor colors would not work
Added ChartJS charts to the charts component library
Added OnCancel to New-UDForm
Added $EventData hashtable to events that take data.
UDv3 - Added -NavigationLayout and -Navigation to New-UDPage
UDv3 - Added -Multiline, -Rows, -RowsMax to New-UDTextbox
Added New-PSUAuthenticationResult and New-PSUAuthorizationClaim
Added support for defining custom claims during authentication
Added support for Environments
Windows Authentication support without IIS
Added a setting to hide the admin console
Added a setting to configure CORS
Aliases for all cmdlets that start with PSU
Redesigned APIs and API page
Fixed an issue where the job processes would inherit the parent process's PSModulePath
Fixed an issue where Switch parameters would not work correctly
Fixed an issue where -ForegroundColor on Write-Host would add an extra line
Redesigned dashboard page
Fixed an issue with UDCodeEditor were Get-UDElement would not work.
Fixed an issue where New-UDTabs wouldn't work with one tab.
Fixed an issue that would prevent custom components from using additional assets (like images in UDMap)
Fixed an issue with UDMap that prevented it from including default images
Fixed an issue where OpenID Connect and WS-Federation would not redirect correctly
Fixed an issue where logging level would not apply to file logging
PowerShell version has been removed and merged into Environments
1.3.2 - 9-15-2020
Fixed an issue where you couldn't set the concurrent job limit
Fixed an issue where the broadcast parameter would not work on cmdlets
Fixed an issue where the theme background would not be applied
Fixed an issue where custom dark and light themes would not work
1.3.1 - 8-26-2020
Fixed an issue where a self-referencing loop with an object would cause an exception during serialization.
Fixed issue where responding to feedback wouldn't work in the UI
Fixed an issue where deleting a schedule wouldn't stop the schedule from running.
Fixed an issue where script files would not be deleted when deleting a script
Added dashboard memory history
UDv2 - Fixed UDMonitor default values
UDv3 - Fixed UDTypography style parameter
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with the UDIcon parameter.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -ReplaceToast on Show-UDToast would not work
Fixed an issue where the dashboard runspace would attempt to set readonly variables
Fixed an issue where dashboard files would not be deleted when deleting a dashboard
All files are now written using UTF8 with BOM encoding
Fixed an issue where AppTokens were being deleted
Fixed swagger API docs.
Fixed an issue where the Admin Console would be blank after upgrades
1.3.0 - 7-30-2020
Added support for Windows Authentication in APIs running under IIS
Added a $Headers variable in the API to provide the calling header values
Added a $URL variable in the API to provide the calling URL
Added a $Data variable in the API to provide byte[] of the content
Added New-PSUApiResponse to support returning custom responses from APIs
Fixed an issue where jobs would time out after 30 minutes and another job would be started in their place.
Fixed an issue where cancelling a job wouldn't totally cancel the job
Fixed an issue where you could not schedule a one time script
UDv2 - Fixed an issue where custom components wouldn't load correctly
Fixed an issue where saving the PowerShell Version wouldn't work from the UI
Fixed an issue where dashboards would fail to start because assets would deploy after attempting to start dashboards
UDv3 - Added support for custom stylesheets and scripts
UDv3 - Added Test-UDForm to manually invoke form validation
UDv3 - Added support for validation in UDStepper
UDv3 - Added New-UDUpload for uploading files. Works with UDForm and UDStepper.
UDv2 - Fixed an issue with UDFooter where it wouldn't load successfully
Fixed an issue where errors with components would present a blank page. Now errors will be shown on the page.
UDv2 - Added NavBarLogo, NavBarColor and NavBarFontColor to New-UDDashboard
Dashboards now have access to the $Cache:Pages variable that will return a list of the pages for the dashboard
Fixed an issue where granting an app token would grant roles twice
PowerShell host for API and Dashboard now implements the basics of Raw UI to avoid errors.
Added support for setting parameters for scheduled jobs
Added Debug-PSUDashboard to run dashboards in a local PowerShell process
Added Get-PSUDashboardEndpointRunspace to find runspaces based on an endpoint ID
Added a marketplace page to get new components directly from the marketplace
Added support for published folders
Added support for Nivo bubble charts
UDv3 - Fixed the autocomplete component
UDv3 - Add padding on the back\next buttons for the stepper control
Added 404 page to the admin console
Various fixes to role access to particular sections of the admin console
Fixed an issue where Windows Auth would not evaluate roles correctly
Added HasClaim support to role policy ClaimsPrincipal class
Revoked and expired app tokens are now groomed from the database
Added SUPPRESSBROWSER property to MSI to allow hiding the browser after install
1.2.10 - 7-22-2020
Fixed an issue where the $Roles variable would not be populated in authenticated dashboards
1.2.9 - 7-15-2020
Added $Identity variable that will include the identity name if authentication is used
PowerShell host for API and Dashboard now implements the basics of Raw UI to avoid errors.
Fixed an issue where jobs would time out after 30 minutes and another job would be started in their place.
Fixed an issue where cancelling a job wouldn't totally cancel the job
Fixed an issue where you could not schedule a one time script
UDv2 - Fixed an issue where custom components wouldn't load correctly
Fixed an issue where saving the PowerShell Version wouldn't work from the UI
Fixed an issue where dashboards would fail to start because assets would deploy after attempting to start dashboards
PowerShell host for API and Dashboard now implements the basics of Raw UI to avoid errors.
Fixed an issue where the server could crash sometimes when dashboard were restarting
Fixed an issue where granting an app token would grant roles twice
1.2.8 - 7-7-2020
Fixed an issue where secret variables would not be set within scripts
1.2.7 - 7-6-2020
Fixed an issue where cookie authentication would not work with APIs
Fixed an issue where you couldn't start jobs using Azure AD credentials
Fixed an issue where you couldn't specify the PowerShell version for schedules
Fixed an issue where secret variable names with non-standard characters would cause errors
Fixed an issue where components and frameworks would be blocked when running from a ZIP on Windows
Fixed issue where Set-UDClipboard would not work
Fixed an issue where Windows Authentication would not evaluate roles correctly
Fixed an issue with Grant-UAAppToken where it would not report the Role or Expiration back to the server
Renamed Connect-UAServer to Connect-PSUServer. Alias added for backwards compatibility
Renamed Grant-UAAppToken to Connect-PSUAppToken. Alias added for backwards compatibility
Renamed Get-UAAppToken to Get-PSUAppToken. Alias added for backwards compatibility
Renamed Get-UDDashboard to Get-PSUDashboard. Alias added for backwards compatibility
Fixed an issue with Grant-PSUAppToken where it wouldn't allow custom roles.
Auto reload feature ignores .git folder
Removed Enable-UAAuthentication as it is not required to use this cmdlet. Authentication is always enabled.
1.2.6 - 6-29-2020
Fixed an issue where jobs could not be started as a different user in IIS on a domain joined machine
UDv3 Fixed an issue where tables would cause the page to not load
UDv2 Fixed an issue where navigation links would not have the correct URL
UDv2 Fixed an issue where the footer was set to absolute positioning
1.2.5 - 6-26-2020
Fixed an issue where a Universal license wouldn't correctly license Automation
Fixed an issue where roles could be updated by any user
Fixed an issue where roles could not be edited in the UI
Hide menu items that users don't have access to
Fixed an issue where deleting an identity that had apptokens would cause the apptoken page to not load
Fixed an issue where deleting an identity that ran a job would cause the job page to not load
1.2.4 - 6-24-2020
Fixed an issue where importing a dashboard couple overwrite the dashboard being imported.
1.2.3 - 6-24-2020
The identity of the user that started the job is now show in the table and job page
Added an Import Dashboard button
Added -DisableAutostart to New-PUSDashboard to prevent dashboards from starting on server startup.
Added support for Git sync with default credentials
The API process will restart if it crashes for whatever reason.
Fixed an issue where the API process wouldnt always start
Fixed an issue where responses over a certain size wouldn't be returned.
Fixed an error that would be shown when run as another account and looking up secrets
Fixed an issue where jobs would only work with one feedback request
Fixed an error where an invalid schedule would cause an error in the UI.
Fixed an issue where Automation would attempt to start and invalid job
Fixed an issue where terminating errors would not be shown in the dashboard
UDv3 - Fixed an issue where errors in components wouldn't be shown
Fixed an issue where using the ZIP on Windows would fail to load the UD framework because it was blocked
Dashboards now start asynchronously when the server is starting so the server starts faster
Fixed an issue where dashboards wouldnt always start
When adding a dashboard, the frameworks are now sorted newest first.
Fixed an issue where adding an invalid license would totally break everything
If HTTP(S) is not specified when using the ComputerName parameter of the cmdlets, HTTP will be added automatically
Fixed an issue where navigating to any URL that started with /admin would always go to the admin page
Fixed an issue where Git sync would not work with a bare remote repository
Redirect stdout to main process so you can see background process stdout.
1.2.2 - 6-16-2020
Fix an issue where setting parameters would not allow a script to run
1.2.1 - 6-16-2020
Added a -SecurityPowerShellVersion parameter to Set-PSUSetting to allow for customization of the security process's PS version
Released a Docker image
Added delete button to Identity table
Errors will now return status code 500 from APIs
Fixed an issue where running APIs in Windows PowerShell would not work
Fixed an issue where saving a full path for a script would not work
Scripts are run based on path and not content
Fixed an issue where the dashboard would restart every 60 seconds
Fixed unhandled exceptions that would be thrown when trying to access a dashboard that didn't start correctly
Start\Stop button now indicates whether it is in progress
Fixed a bug where the dashboard would not restart if settings where changed in the dashboards.ps1
UDv2 - Fixed page styling
UDv2 - Fixed error shown when a UDInput only had a single field
Fixed an issue with the Console where it would not show terminating errors
Fixed an issue with the Console where if a dashboard wasnt running it would return nothing
Display dashboard framework version in dashboard table
Run Authentication\Authorization in process by default
Fixed an issue where loading configuration files could result in a "Authorization Failed" exception
Fixed an issue where if loading a configuration file on start up failed the server wouldn't start\
Fixed an issue where hiding Automation would still default to the scripts page.
Fixed an error when starting PSU on linux.
Fixed an issue where settings wouldn't reload sometimes
Fixed a bug where the login page would not display an error if the login failed.
Log an error during startup if .NET Framework v4.7.2 or later is missing on Windows.
Fixed an issue where saving or deleting PowerShell versions in the UI wouldn't persist.
Fixed an issue where saving or deleting Dashboard Frameworks in the UI wouldn't persist.
Fixed an issue where the installer would not elevate correctly
Fixed an issue where you couldn't uninstall from Add\Remove programs
Fixed an issue where the installer would not upgrade successfully sometimes
Fixed an issue wehere the installer would have the wrong version listedn in Add\remove programs
1.2.0 - 6-8-2020
Added Support for REST APIs
Added configuration options for InformationPreference, VerbosePreference and DebugPreference for scripts
UDv3 - Added support for themes
Added Dashboard Components page in UI
In-Browser editor for dashboard files
Idempotent Configuration using PS cmdlets rather than classes
Added Install-PSUServer cmdlet
Added Start-PSUServer cmdlet
Added the ability to configure which menu items are shown.
WS-Federation support
Added Swagger documentation
Added link to help under settings
Fixed an issue where setting Mandatory = $false would make the parameter mandatory in the UI
Remove file path from Add Dashboard modal. A default dashboard will be created.
UDv3 - Fixed an issue with expansion panels not working if you had a single expansion panel in a group.
UDv2 - Fixed an issue where New-UDFooter was missing
UDv2 - Fixed an issue where New-UDFooter wouldn't remove the "Created with UD" text
UDv2 - Fixed an issue where New-UDRow would not set the ID
UDv2\UDv3 - Added error boundaries so controls in an error state do not prevent the dashboard from loading.
UDv3 - Fixed Show-UDToast styles
UDv2 - Fixed an issue where New-UDInput was missing
UDv2 - Fixed an issue where New-UDMonitor was missing
Fixed an issue where logging into the dashboard wouldn't redirect to the dashboard
Universal app tokens can now automatically be added to users' sessions to access the Universal API from dashboards
Git Sync is Optional
Fixed an issue where you couldn't delete a license
Moved trial information to license page
Fixed is with localization of dates and times
Session timing out will redirect you to login
Auto reload of entire platform when configuration changes
1.1.1 - 25-05-2020
Sign dashboard framework modules
Unblock dashboard files before executing them
Set execution policy on Windows
Change default web.config to use correct settings
Fixed a scoping issue with v2 New-UDPage
Added debug logging to dashboard logging
Fixed an issue where assigning a dashboard with a baseurl of "/" would break Universal
Fixed custom component loading
Added Nivo, Sparklines, and Map components
Fixed an issue that would prevent adding dashboards after selecting a PS version
Fixed a scoping issue with UD endpoints
Linux Support
1.1.0 - 18-05-2020
– Fixed an issue that prevented cmdlets from loading PSv5.1 – Add-UDDashboardFramework now returns pipeline output – Default endpoint now listens on all addresses, not just localhost – Fixed an issue with dashboard pages and spaces – Fixed an issue with the UDv2 grid not loading
– Added -Version to Add-UDDashboardFramework – Added support for UD scheduled endpoints – Added memory usage and session count to dashboard page – Added theme support for UDv2 – Added custom log path appsettings.json – Added UD Admin Terminal – Roles are now sync’d to git – Auth Methods are now sync’d to git – Session diagnostics for UD – Endpoint diagnostics for UD – Dashboard frameworks are now persisted across installs
Last updated
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