
Changelog for PowerShell Universal.

1.5.22 - 4/21/2022

⚠️ Security Issue

  • Fixed an issue where a user could access files outside of the published folder

1.5.21 - 7/7/2021


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.3.8

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0



  • Fixed an issue where dashboards would restart when managing variables


  • Updated to PowerShell SDK version 7.0.6

  • Fixed an issue with git sync

1.5.20 - 6/4/2021


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.3.8

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0



  • Added -Options to New-UDCodeEditor


  • Added $Headers, $Cookies, $RemoteIpAddress, $LocalIpAddress, $RemotePort, and $LocalPort to authentication.ps1



  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where setting a default sort column in a UDTable without setting the default sort direction wouldn't sort the table

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with Show-UDToast and -Icon

1.5.19 - 5/14/2021


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.3.7

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4

  • UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0



  • UDv3 - Added New-UDHidden

  • UDv3 - Added -HideToggleAllRowsSelect to remove the select all rows toggle

  • UDv3 - Added -DisableMultiSelect to New-UDTable



  • Removed the need to call the REST API from jobs

  • Fixed an issue with scheduling one-time schedules and time zones

  • Fixed an issue where error action would not work for scheduled scripts


  • Fixed an issue where the user name would not be shown on the sessions tab

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with New-UDExpansionPanel -Active

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where validation would happen twice for textboxes within forms

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where autocomplete default values would not be available in forms

  • UDv3 - OnRowSelected for New-UDTable will trigger for both selecting and unselecting a row and will now include whether the row was selected or not

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where OnRowSelected would not trigger when all rows were toggled

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where the logout button would redirect to a blank page


  • Fixed an issue with the UniversalDashboard module install

  • Increase max request and header size

1.5.18 - 5/7/2021


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.3.6

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4

  • UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0



  • Fixed an issue where an exception would be thrown during certain types of authentication

1.5.17 - 5/6/2021

Known issue with authentication and authorization. You may experience problems logging in.


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.3.6

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4

  • UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0



  • UDv3 - Added -MaxWidth to New-UDSelect

  • UDv3 - Added -FontWeight to New-UDTypography

  • UDv3 - Added -Style to New-UDTreeView

  • UDv3 - Added -Multiple to New-UDAutocomplete



  • Fixed an issue where requests over 2KB would return a 404 not found.


  • Fixed an issue when scheduling a script with boolean parameters

  • Fixed an issue when scheduling delayed schedules with different sets of credentials.

  • Reduce memory consumption when running many jobs a day


  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where selecting a multioption select group wouldn't select the items in the group.

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with putting a UDProgress bar within a UDCard.

  • Fixed an issue with published folder roles in the admin console

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where server-side export would not show a progress bar

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where return $null from -Render in New-UDTableColumn would cause the table to fail to load

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -Active would not work on New-UDExpansionPanel

  • Load dashboard framework before other modules

  • Fixed an issue where the session time out window would not appear in IIS


  • Fixed an issue where changing from role-based to policy-based identites would cause a user to fail to login

1.5.16 - 4/19/2021


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.3.5

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4

  • UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0



  • Added support for passing parameters via form data


  • UDv3 - Added ability to set active step and disable previous step in UDStepper.

  • UDv3 - Added avatar and logout button

  • UDv3 - Added -Variant to New-UDTextbox

  • UDv3 - Added Autocomplete to -FilterType on New-UDTable

  • UDv3 - Added -Variant to New-UDAutoComplete

  • UDv3 - Added Debug with VS Code Insiders button to Debug-PSUDashboard

  • Added configuration option for dashboard startup timeout.

  • UDv3 - Added -DefaultSortDirection to New-UDTable



  • Fixed an issue where a variable and route piece sharing the same name would cause the route to fail


  • Improved error message when an invalid parameter is used with Invoke-UAScript\Invoke-PSUScript

  • Fixed an issue where -UseDefaultCredentials would not work with Invoke-UAScript


  • UDv3 - Sort select filters on New-UDTable

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with New-UDTable filters where they would list the count as 0

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where the dashboard would timeout but would not notify the user


  • Fixed 4MB size limitation of PSUCache.

1.5.15 -4/5/2021


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.3.4

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4

  • UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0



  • Added JobDebugging setting to enable logging directly from the job process

  • Added JobHandshakeTimeout setting to adjust the number of seconds a job will wait for the handshake before timing out

  • Added ContinueJobOnServerStop setting to prevent jobs from terminating if the server process stops


  • UDv3 - Added -SortType to New-UDTableColumn to allow for selecting the type of sorting (alphanumeric vs datetime) - #9

  • UDv3 - Added loading progress bar when server-side processing is performing a server-side function

  • UDv3 - Added -OnExport to New-UDTable to control what data is exported from PowerShell

  • UDv3 - Added -DisablePageSizeAll to New-UDTable



  • Dashboard startup now honors -PersistentRunspace

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with New-UDTable where the export would use an invalid file name - #76

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDTable sort was case sensitive - #8

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where the counts in the search field would be incorrect when using server-side processing

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where the filter search text was not being honored for New-UDTextOption


  • Fixed an issue where Install-PSUServer would use the wrong separator for the $ENV:PATH variable on Linux and OSX

  • Fixed an issue where PSU would try to sign out in Windows Auth configurations resulting in an error in the event log

  • Fixed an issue where git sync branch selection would not work

1.5.14 - 3/4/2021


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.3.3

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4

  • UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0



  • UDv3 - Added -DisableThemeToggle to New-UDDashboard


  • Added a CorrelationCookie setting to WS-Federation authentication.



  • Multiple roles can now be assigned to an endpoint


  • Help - Invoke-UAScript - Fixed an issue with one of the examples

  • Fixed an issue where Get-PSUJobOutput would only return errors.

  • Fixed an issue where one-time schedules could be updated or deleted incorrectly


  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with New-UDTable server-side filtering.

  • Multiple roles can now be assigned to a published folder

  • Fixed an issue where creating a new dashboard would always have auto start and auto deploy disabled.

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with -Endpoint on New-UDColumn.

  • UDv3 - New-UDPage now supports an array of roles for the -Role parameter

  • Fixed an issue where the authentication switch wouldn't work in the dashboard properties dialog.


  • Fixed an issue where roles would be duplicated

  • Fixed an issue where WS-Federation would not work due to an correlation cookie problem.

1.5.13 - 2/19/2021


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4

  • UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0



  • Added -AutoDeploy to New-PSUDashboard allow configuring of whether a dashboard restarts when changes are made.

  • UDv3 - Added -SubmitText and -CancelText to New-UDForm for customizing button text.

  • UDv3 - Added -NextButtonText, -BackButtonText and -FinishButtonText to New-UDStepper.


  • Added support for defining git sync behavior. You can now specify One-Way git sync that will make the console and API readonly and will only pull changes.

  • Added support for LiteDB v5



  • Fixed an issue where string array parameters would not be passed correctly to scheduled jobs.


  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where table column max-width would be set to 0 by default.

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -Multiple and New-UDSelectGroup would not work together

  • No longer statically assign a Reader role when -GrantAppToken is used with New-PSUDashboard.


  • Fixed an issue where the admin console would redirect to the login page when the session timed out even if forms auth wasn't being used.

  • Enabled the ability to disable forms authentication form the UI.

1.5.12 - 2/10/2021


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.3.1

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4

  • UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0



  • Added $AccessToken and $IdToken variables for accessing OIDC and WS-Fed tokens within dashboards.



  • Fixed an issue where manually executed jobs would continue to run after completing.


  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with UDProgress where an error about an invalid constructor would be shown.

1.5.11 - 2/10/2021


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.3.0

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4

  • UniversalDashboard.Style - 1.0.0



  • UDv3 - Added New-UDTableTextOption to allow for customizing table text like search and export labels.

  • The UDStyle component is now included with the Universal package

  • Added Restart button to the dashboard page in the admin console

  • Added -ExportOption to New-UDTable to configure which options to allow for export

  • UDv3 - Added -Truncate to New-UDTableColumn to truncate and hide text that's long than the width of the column

  • UDv3 - Added -Footer to New-UDAppBar to allow for the creation of footers

  • UDv3 - Added -DisableThemeToggle to New-UDAppBar to hide the theme toggle switch

  • UDv3 - Added New-UDTransition

  • UDv3 - Added New-UDAlert

  • UDv3 - Added New-UDSkeleton

  • Added -SessionTimeout to New-UDDashboard to override the server session timeout per dashboard

  • Added support for assigning multiple roles to a dashboard.

  • UDv3 - Added New-UDBackdrop

  • UDv3 - Added -OnClick to New-UDLink

  • UDv3 - Added -Orientation to New-UDStepper


  • Added support for configuring the correlation cookie same site settings for OIDC.

  • Added support for specifying Git Branch for Git Sync



  • Fixed an issue where continuous schedules would cause the server to fail to execute jobs due to worker threads being exhausted

  • Fixed an issue where a schedule could run multiple times after service restart.

  • Fixed an issue where one-time schedules could run more than once

  • Improved New-PSUSchedule -Script so you can pass a string in as well as a Script object

  • Fixed an issue where parameters names would hang off the schedule modal in the admin console.


  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where vertical tabs would have a static height.

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with New-UDTable -ShowPagination where it would automatically turn on pagination even when it wasn't used

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDTable would sort the first column ascending by default (now uses the data as-is if no sort is specified)

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where sorting was enabled on New-UDTable by default. You now need to enable it with -ShowSort

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -ArgumentList would not work on New-UDDynamic

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDSelect with no options defined would cause a React error

  • Improved error message shown when a terminating exception is thrown during dashboard start up

  • Fixed an issue where cmdlets that rely on websockets and that use the -Broadcast parameter or when executed from scheduled endpoints would appear on all dashboards.

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -Width on New-UDTableColumn didn't work.

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDDatePicker wouldn't work with non-US date formats.

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDProgress -Color, -ProgressColor and -BackgroundColor would not work.

  • UDv3 - Fixed -Icon on New-UDTab.


  • Fixed a problem where certain authentication providers wouldn't work with OIDC due to correlation cookie problems.

  • Fixed an issue where setting an identity from a specific role back to Policy Defined would result in the policy not executing correctly

  • Fixed an issue where authenticating against Okta with OIDC wouldn't set the user name properly

  • Fixed an issue where authenticating with a large number of claims would cause the web server to return a 431 error

  • Fixed an issue where revoked app tokens would be deleted in the groom service immediately

  • Fixed an issue where variables were not available in authentication or authorization scripts.



  • UDv3 - Removed -Stacked from New-UDTab

Known Issues

1.5.10 - 2/1/2020

Known issue: Some users may experience problems signing in with certain OIDC providers.


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.2.7

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4



  • When an AppToken is used for authentication with the API, it will be available as $AppToken within the API's endpoint

  • Fixed issue where saving endpoints would not update from the admin console

  • Fixed an issue where New-PSUApiResponse -Cookies would not be sent to the client


  • Fixed an issue with PSCredential parameters


  • Honor Environment's Persistent Runspace setting in dashboards.

  • UDv3 - Disable fetch service when session times out

  • UDv3 - Session time out now checks for expired authorization cookies


  • Display app tokens per user



  • Added $Method variable to indicate the HTTP method of the endpoint called.

  • Added $Cookies variable with a hashtable of cookie values

  • Added -Headers parameter to New-PSUApiResponse


  • Added the ability to assign run as credentials for scripts and a -Credential parameter to New-PSUScript


  • Added $Headers variable to dashboard to provide access to HTTP headers.

  • Added $Cookies variable with a hashtable of cookie values


  • Added UseTokenLifetime setting for WS-Federation and OIDC

1.5.9 - 1/14/2020


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.2.6

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4



  • Added -UseDefaultCredentials to all Management API cmdlets.



  • Fixed an issue where updating APIs with the management API could duplicate the endpoint

  • Fixed an issue where API URLs and Methods wouldn't update

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Errors thrown in APIs now return 400 (bad request) rather than 500 (internal server error)


  • Fixed issue where -MaxHistory would not persist on New-PSUScript

  • The environment drop down is now hidden in the run dialog when an environment is set on the script

  • Fixed an issue where switch parameters would not work with schedules


  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDTable would show a React error with certain empty properties

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDDynamic would remove\add components causing a flash when they reloaded

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -Label on New-UDDatePicker would not work

  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't delete a dashboard framework from the UI


  • Fixed a mismatch with the PowerShell module version and the Universal server

  • Removed the Log Level setting from the General settings page because it doesn't do anything

  • Added -Uri alias to the -ComputerName parameter for cmdlets in the Universal module since Urls are supported

  • Added Wreply option for WS-Federation authentication

1.5.8 - 12/27/2020

Known Issue: The Universal PowerShell module included with 1.5.8 is 1.5.7 and will show a warning when running against the 1.5.8 server. This can be safely ignored.

  • UniversalDashboard - v3.2.5

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.2

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4



  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with New-UDTable and PSCustomObject.

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - Added MinValue and MaxValue to New-UDNivoChart -Calendar

1.5.7 - 12/18/2020

  • UniversalDashboard - v3.2.4

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.1

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4



  • Fixed an issue where clicking the run button on the second page of scripts would execute the wrong script


  • Fixed an issue where you would have to delete a dashboard twice to get it to delete

  • Fixed an issue where adding a dashboard in the UI would enable auto-start even when it wasn't on

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with blank pages.

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where New-UDTable would return an error when it only had 1 row.


  • Fixed an issue where authorization policies would run on every request when using Windows Auth outside of IIS.

  • Fixed an issue where the Universal PowerShell module would show a warning when running in Windows PowerShell

  • Fixed an issue where alternate security environments would not work

  • Fixed an issue where upgrading via MSI would remove the configured service account

  • Fixed an issue where Install-PSUServer would not work on Mac OS

1.5.6 - 12/12/2020


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.2.3

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.1

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4


  • Fixed an issue where subscription licenses could cause the server to hang on startup.

1.5.5 - 12/11/2020


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.2.3

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.9

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.1

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4



  • Fixed an issue where variables would not be available in APIs are server restart


  • Fixed an issue where calling a job from another job could fail


  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with New-UDButton and New-UDButtonIcon -Disabled not working properly

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where passing a $null value to -Data of New-UDTable would cause a React error.

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where passing complex object properties to -Data of New-UDTable would result in a React error

  • UDv2 - Fixed an issue where Set-UDElement -Content would not work with New-UDElement


  • Fixed an issue where Get-PSUCache would throw an error when a key did not exist

  • Default RedirectToHttps to false because there is no default HTTPS endpoint

1.5.4 - 12/04/2020


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.2.2

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.8

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.1

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4



  • Added cmdlet help



  • Fixed an issue where -UseDefaultCredentials would not work with an API running as a service with Windows Auth


  • Fixed an issue where triggers could not use the Management API

  • Fixed an issue where the Execute role would not be able to login to the admin console.


  • Fixed an issue where -DataPointHistory would not work on New-UDChartJSMonitor

  • Set default values for -BaseUrl and -DashboardFramework on New-PSUDashboard

  • Fixed an issue where -Role was not being enforced properly for authenticated dashboards

  • Fixed an issue where authentication could not be enabled on a dashboard even with a license

  • UDv3 - Fixed a regression with Set-UDElement and UDTextbox in a UDForm

  • UDv3 - Added -FullWidth to New-UDAutocomplete


  • Universal cmdlets will now show a warning if connecting to a mismatched server and module version

  • Fixed an issue where Install-PSUServer wouldn't work for Linux or Mac.

1.5.3 - 11/26/2020


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.2.1

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.8

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.0

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4



  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't create a schedule with Run As credentials

  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't create two schedules for one script

  • Fixed an issue where Run As credentials wouldn't be listed in the schedule table

  • Fixed an issue where One Time jobs could run more than once

  • Fixed an issue where scripts with absolute or nested paths would not be visible in the admin console


  • Fixed an issue where login page would not reload on server restart

  • Fixed an issue where you could not change the Identity role within the admin console



  • Added support for param block in API endpoints



  • Removed the Never expiration lifetime for app tokens.

1.5.2 - 11/22/2020


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.2.1

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.8

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.0

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4



  • Fixed an issue where non-global rate limits would not work

  • Fixed an issue where New-PSURateLimit would call the incorrect REST API method


  • Fixed an issue with Invoke-UAScript not working

  • Fixed an issue where -ScriptBlock would not work on New-PSUScript when using single-file configuration.

  • Fixed an issue where -TimeOut was an int instead of a double on New-PSUScript


  • Fixed an issue where missing components could cause dashboards to fail to start or update from the UI

  • Fixed an issue where dashboard could be started multiple times and would not stop properly


  • Fixed an issue where Start-PSUServer wouldn't correctly identify the configuration script.

  • Fixed an issue where Get-PSUEnvironment was not exported in the module manifest

  • Fixed an issue where Grant-PSUAppToken would not generate custom tokens

  • Fixed an issue where Remove-PSUEnvironment was not exported in the module manifest

  • Added icon to the MSI

1.5.1 - 11/20/2020


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.2.1

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.8

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.0

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4



  • UDv3 - Added -Text parameter to New-UDCard

  • UDv3 - Added -LoadNavigation to New-UDPage



  • Fixed an issue where automation jobs would not run as the selected user

  • Fixed an issue where the Get-Job -Script parameter would not work


  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with -Disable didn't work for New-UDSelect

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -PageSize and -PageOptions would not work in New-UDTable

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where export would not work

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where search would not work

  • Fixed an issue where multiple dashboard processes could be started for one dashboard.


  • Fixed an issue where Start-PSUServer would located the Universal.Server.exe correctly

  • Fixed an issue where Install-PSUServer didn't have a default parameter set.

  • Fixed an issue where an upgrade from 1.4 to 1.5 would fail

  • Fixed an issue where the login page customizations wouldn't work for certain license types

  • Fixed an issue with the ZIP file created for Mac OS X systems

  • Fixed an issue where Start-PSUServer would not work on Linux or Mac OS X

  • Fixed an issue where Start-PSUServer would not call chmod +x on Linux and Mac OS X

  • Fixed an issue where the New-PSUAuthorizationClaim cmdlet wasn't exported from the module manifest

1.5.0 - 11/17/2020


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.2.0

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.8

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.3.0

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4



  • Added timeout value to jobs

  • Added execute only role

  • Added concurrent job limit for scripts

  • Added support for string[] parameters in the UI


  • Added $RemoteIpAddress, $LocalIpAddress, $LocalPort and $RemotePort automatic variables

  • UDv3 - Added New-UDDateTime

  • UDv3 - Added -Logo to New-UDDashboard and New-UDPage

  • Added support for query string parameters

  • Added support for setting the dashboard to use the latest UD version.

  • Added $ClaimsPrincipal variable

  • Added support for defining default documents for published folders

  • UDv3 - Added New-UDErrorBoundary

  • UDV3 - Added -DefaultTheme to New-UDDashboard

  • Added New-UDChartJSMonitor and Out-UDChartJSMonitorData to UniversalDashboard.Charts.

  • Added a Refresh context menu command to the dashboard log

  • UDv3 - Added -Content parameter to Set-UDElement


  • Added support for updating and retrieving configuration files through the management API

  • Added support for setting the PSModulePath on environments

  • Added support for Mac OS

  • Added support for customizing login pages.

  • Added support for disabling redirection from HTTP to HTTPS

  • Added server-level cache support

  • Added support for creating custom app tokens.

  • Added support for disabling forms authentication



  • Fixed an issue with the API editor where it would lose characters

  • Licensed API modals will default to authenticated


  • Fixed an issue where using the same script multiple times would cause issues


  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with MaxWidth on Show-UDModal

  • Fixed an issue where boolean $EventData variables would be hashtables rather than bools

  • Fixed an issue where an error would be shown when a new runspace was created

  • Automatically reload client's browsers when dashboards change

  • Fixed an issue where the configuration reload would delete files

  • Marketplace won't let you install already installed modules

  • Licensed dashboard modals will default to authenticated


  • Fixed an issue where running as a service, you wouldn't be able to change the selected credential


  • Fixed an issue with gRPC and Linux ARM

  • Fixed an issue where deploying dashboard assets could fail during startup

  • Fixed an issue where attempting to retrieve the highest dashboard version would fail

  • Optimized configuration loading behavior to only reload items that changed

  • Moving some configuration data to an in-memory database for better performance


  • Prevent custom roles from viewing the admin console

  • Fixed an issue where standard cmdlets wouldn't work in authentication.ps1

1.4.9 - 11-10-2020


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.1.6

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.8

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.2.0

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4



  • Added support for RemoteIpAddress, LocalIpAddress, RemotePort, and LocalPort variables



  • Fixed an issue with web server performance on Windows

1.4.8 - 11-9-2020


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.1.6

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.8

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.2.0

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4



  • Added -PersistentRunspace to New-PSUEnvironment to prevent APIs from resetting runspaces per execution.



  • Fixed an issue where characters would be lost when saving API changes

  • Fixed an issue where editor themes would conflict between the API editor and other editors

  • Fixed an issue where the API host would fail to load the Universal module


  • Fixed an issue where running as a service, you wouldn't be able to change the selected credential


  • UDv2 - Fixed an issue where the session timeout modal would use the existing header of a modal

  • UDv2 - Fixed an issue where New-UDSideNav -Endpoint would not work

  • Fixed an issue where dashboards could be marked as running when they actually were not

  • Fixed an issue where the alt text for the View button was Global.

  • Fixed an issue where Windows auth would not redirect correctly for dashboards

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -LoadingComponent would only work once

1.4.7 - 11-2-2020


  • UniversalDashboard - v3.1.5

  • UniversalDashboard - v2.9.7

  • UniversalDashboard.Charts - 1.2.0

  • UniversalDashboard.Map - 1.0

  • UniversalDashboard.CodeEditor - 1.0.4



  • UDv3 - Added Debug-PSUDashboard

  • UDv2 - Added session timeout modal


  • Added setting for RedirectToHttps



  • Improved error logging.

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with Set-UDElement not updating the form context for UDTextbox

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where PSCustomObjects wouldn't work after a table refresh

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where server-side tables $ field was not populated


  • Fixed an issue where $ and " would not be escaped in variable values

1.4.6 - 10-27-2020



  • UDv3 - Added -FullWidth parameter to New-UDTextbox



  • Fixed issue where endpoint modal was not setting authentication setting correctly.


  • Fixed an issue where job logs would not update during job runs.


  • Fixed issue where session timeout was only honored on the cookie

  • Fixed issue with dashboard modal not setting authentication setting correctly.

  • Fixed issue where the dashboard log may not be written and would throw an exception

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where PSCustomObjects would not work in New-UDTable


  • Fixed an issue where arguments were not correctly applied to Environments

  • Fixed an issue where setting the ExecutionPolicy as an argument in Environments would not apply

1.4.5 - 10-20-2020


  • Fixed an issue where Windows Auth outside of IIS would not work with APIs


  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with UDTable custom rendering performance

  • Fixed an issue where if a dashboard was stopped, no statistics could be retrieved for any dashboards

  • Fixed an issue with icons not working

  • UDv2 Fixed issue an where Get-UDElement would not work.

  • UDv2 Fixed an issue where Write-UDLog would not work.

  • UDv3 Fixed an issue where -Role was case sensitive for New-UDPage

  • UDv2 Fixed an issue where -Role was missing on New-UDPage


  • Fixed an issue where an exception could be thrown when using OpenID Connect

  • Fixed issue where you couldn't set arguments in the UI for Environments

Breaking Change

There was a breaking change made to New-UDTableColumn -Render. The $Body variable is no longer available and you need to use $EventData instead. See the below example for the syntax that will be required.

Prior to 1.4.5, the syntax would have been like this.

$Data = @(
    @{ link = "" }

$Columns = @(
    New-UDTableColumn -Property Link -Render { 
      $Data = $Body | ConvertFrom-Json
      New-UDLink -Text 'Link' -Url $

New-UDTable -Title 'Link' -Column $Column -Data $Data

1.4.5 and later, the syntax will be like this. $EventData is a special variable that will be available in the -Render parameter and does not require converting from JSON.

$Data = @(
    @{ link = "" }

$Columns = @(
    New-UDTableColumn -Property Link -Render { 
    New-UDLink -Text 'Link' -Url $

New-UDTable -Title 'Link' -Columns $Columns -Data $Data

1.4.4 - 10-13-2020



  • Added -ErrorAction support to New-PSUEndpoint



  • Enhanced logging for endpoints that throw errors


  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with UDTable not working within UDCard.

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where calling Set-UDElement on a UDTextbox would overlay the label.

  • UDv2 - Fixed an issue where OpenID Connect and WS-Federation authentication would fail

  • UDv2\UDv3 - Fixed an issue where client elements of UDElement would not rerender.

  • Fixed an issue where saving a component from the marketplace would return a 400 error


  • Removed red dots in the menu when a license wasn't installed

  • Fixed an issue where the WindowsCompatibility module would not work in Universal

1.4.3 - 10-06-2020



  • Added a setting to disable checking for updates



  • Extra validation on endpoint URL

  • Fixed issue with authentication setting not persisting from UI

  • Fixed an issue where modifying variables or environments wouldn't change until service restart


  • Fixed an issue where parameters for schedules were not formatted correctly in the UI

  • Fixed an issue where updating the properties of a script in the UI would remove the environment parameter


  • Fixed an issue where modifying variables or environments wouldn't change until service restart

  • Fixed an issue where OnNodeClicked would not work with New-UDTreeView

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the dashboard from loading in IE11


  • Fixes for accessibility of menus

  • Fixed an issue where secrets may not be set correctly in an environment

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the service to crash when dashboards were logging

1.4.2 - 10-02-2020



  • Fixed an issue where saving dashboards.ps1 configuration file would lose components

  • Fixed an issue where upgrading would cause the loss of a one of the PS versions

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where table would show an error if an object was passed to a column

  • Fixed an issue where the Code Editor diff tool wouldn't work


  • Fixed an issue where the configuration refresh endpoint would only work with cookie auth

  • Fixed an issue where secrets would not be set in an environment

1.4.1 - 10-01-2020



  • Fixed an issue that would prevent forms based authentication form working.

1.4.0 - 10-01-2020



  • Added -ApiEnvironment parameter to Set-PSUSettings

  • Added API rate limiting

  • Added LocalIpAddress, RemoteIpAddress, LocalPort and RemotePort variables


  • Continuous scheduling


  • UDCodeEditor component is now included

  • UDv3 - Added -Variant to New-UDDrawer

  • UDv3 - Added -Anchor to New-UDDrawer

  • UDv3 - Added -PageSize to New-UDTable

  • UDv3 - Added -PageSizeOptions to New-UDTable

  • UDv3 - Added -Padding to New-UDTable

  • Role-based access for dashboards

  • UDv3 - Role-based access for dashboard pages.

  • UDv3 - Display page when dashboard isn't running

  • UDv2 - Fixed an issue where UDMonitor colors would not work

  • Added ChartJS charts to the charts component library

  • Added OnCancel to New-UDForm

  • Added $EventData hashtable to events that take data.

  • UDv3 - Added -NavigationLayout and -Navigation to New-UDPage

  • UDv3 - Added -Multiline, -Rows, -RowsMax to New-UDTextbox


  • Added New-PSUAuthenticationResult and New-PSUAuthorizationClaim

  • Added support for defining custom claims during authentication

  • Added support for Environments

  • Windows Authentication support without IIS

  • Added a setting to hide the admin console

  • Added a setting to configure CORS

  • Aliases for all cmdlets that start with PSU



  • Redesigned APIs and API page


  • Fixed an issue where the job processes would inherit the parent process's PSModulePath

  • Fixed an issue where Switch parameters would not work correctly

  • Fixed an issue where -ForegroundColor on Write-Host would add an extra line


  • Redesigned dashboard page

  • Fixed an issue with UDCodeEditor were Get-UDElement would not work.

  • Fixed an issue where New-UDTabs wouldn't work with one tab.

  • Fixed an issue that would prevent custom components from using additional assets (like images in UDMap)

  • Fixed an issue with UDMap that prevented it from including default images

  • Fixed an issue where OpenID Connect and WS-Federation would not redirect correctly


  • Fixed an issue where logging level would not apply to file logging



  • PowerShell version has been removed and merged into Environments

1.3.2 - 9-15-2020



  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't set the concurrent job limit


  • Fixed an issue where the broadcast parameter would not work on cmdlets

  • Fixed an issue where the theme background would not be applied

  • Fixed an issue where custom dark and light themes would not work

1.3.1 - 8-26-2020



  • Fixed an issue where a self-referencing loop with an object would cause an exception during serialization.


  • Fixed issue where responding to feedback wouldn't work in the UI

  • Fixed an issue where deleting a schedule wouldn't stop the schedule from running.

  • Fixed an issue where script files would not be deleted when deleting a script


  • Added dashboard memory history

  • UDv2 - Fixed UDMonitor default values

  • UDv3 - Fixed UDTypography style parameter

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with the UDIcon parameter.

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where -ReplaceToast on Show-UDToast would not work

  • Fixed an issue where the dashboard runspace would attempt to set readonly variables

  • Fixed an issue where dashboard files would not be deleted when deleting a dashboard


  • All files are now written using UTF8 with BOM encoding

  • Fixed an issue where AppTokens were being deleted

  • Fixed swagger API docs.

  • Fixed an issue where the Admin Console would be blank after upgrades

1.3.0 - 7-30-2020



  • Added support for Windows Authentication in APIs running under IIS

  • Added a $Headers variable in the API to provide the calling header values

  • Added a $URL variable in the API to provide the calling URL

  • Added a $Data variable in the API to provide byte[] of the content

  • Added New-PSUApiResponse to support returning custom responses from APIs


  • Fixed an issue where jobs would time out after 30 minutes and another job would be started in their place.

  • Fixed an issue where cancelling a job wouldn't totally cancel the job

  • Fixed an issue where you could not schedule a one time script


  • UDv2 - Fixed an issue where custom components wouldn't load correctly

  • Fixed an issue where saving the PowerShell Version wouldn't work from the UI

  • Fixed an issue where dashboards would fail to start because assets would deploy after attempting to start dashboards

  • UDv3 - Added support for custom stylesheets and scripts

  • UDv3 - Added Test-UDForm to manually invoke form validation

  • UDv3 - Added support for validation in UDStepper

  • UDv3 - Added New-UDUpload for uploading files. Works with UDForm and UDStepper.

  • UDv2 - Fixed an issue with UDFooter where it wouldn't load successfully

  • Fixed an issue where errors with components would present a blank page. Now errors will be shown on the page.

  • UDv2 - Added NavBarLogo, NavBarColor and NavBarFontColor to New-UDDashboard

  • Dashboards now have access to the $Cache:Pages variable that will return a list of the pages for the dashboard


  • Fixed an issue where granting an app token would grant roles twice

  • PowerShell host for API and Dashboard now implements the basics of Raw UI to avoid errors.

  • Added support for setting parameters for scheduled jobs


  • Added Debug-PSUDashboard to run dashboards in a local PowerShell process

  • Added Get-PSUDashboardEndpointRunspace to find runspaces based on an endpoint ID

  • Added a marketplace page to get new components directly from the marketplace

  • Added support for published folders

  • Added support for Nivo bubble charts



  • UDv3 - Fixed the autocomplete component

  • UDv3 - Add padding on the back\next buttons for the stepper control


  • Added 404 page to the admin console

  • Various fixes to role access to particular sections of the admin console

  • Fixed an issue where Windows Auth would not evaluate roles correctly

  • Added HasClaim support to role policy ClaimsPrincipal class

  • Revoked and expired app tokens are now groomed from the database

  • Added SUPPRESSBROWSER property to MSI to allow hiding the browser after install

1.2.10 - 7-22-2020



  • Fixed an issue where the $Roles variable would not be populated in authenticated dashboards

1.2.9 - 7-15-2020



  • Added $Identity variable that will include the identity name if authentication is used



  • PowerShell host for API and Dashboard now implements the basics of Raw UI to avoid errors.


  • Fixed an issue where jobs would time out after 30 minutes and another job would be started in their place.

  • Fixed an issue where cancelling a job wouldn't totally cancel the job

  • Fixed an issue where you could not schedule a one time script


  • UDv2 - Fixed an issue where custom components wouldn't load correctly

  • Fixed an issue where saving the PowerShell Version wouldn't work from the UI

  • Fixed an issue where dashboards would fail to start because assets would deploy after attempting to start dashboards

  • PowerShell host for API and Dashboard now implements the basics of Raw UI to avoid errors.

  • Fixed an issue where the server could crash sometimes when dashboard were restarting


  • Fixed an issue where granting an app token would grant roles twice

1.2.8 - 7-7-2020



  • Fixed an issue where secret variables would not be set within scripts

1.2.7 - 7-6-2020



  • Fixed an issue where cookie authentication would not work with APIs


  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't start jobs using Azure AD credentials

  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't specify the PowerShell version for schedules

  • Fixed an issue where secret variable names with non-standard characters would cause errors


  • Fixed an issue where components and frameworks would be blocked when running from a ZIP on Windows

  • Fixed issue where Set-UDClipboard would not work


  • Fixed an issue where Windows Authentication would not evaluate roles correctly

  • Fixed an issue with Grant-UAAppToken where it would not report the Role or Expiration back to the server

  • Renamed Connect-UAServer to Connect-PSUServer. Alias added for backwards compatibility

  • Renamed Grant-UAAppToken to Connect-PSUAppToken. Alias added for backwards compatibility

  • Renamed Get-UAAppToken to Get-PSUAppToken. Alias added for backwards compatibility

  • Renamed Get-UDDashboard to Get-PSUDashboard. Alias added for backwards compatibility

  • Fixed an issue with Grant-PSUAppToken where it wouldn't allow custom roles.

  • Auto reload feature ignores .git folder



  • Removed Enable-UAAuthentication as it is not required to use this cmdlet. Authentication is always enabled.

1.2.6 - 6-29-2020



  • Fixed an issue where jobs could not be started as a different user in IIS on a domain joined machine


  • UDv3 Fixed an issue where tables would cause the page to not load

  • UDv2 Fixed an issue where navigation links would not have the correct URL

  • UDv2 Fixed an issue where the footer was set to absolute positioning

1.2.5 - 6-26-2020



  • Fixed an issue where a Universal license wouldn't correctly license Automation

  • Fixed an issue where roles could be updated by any user

  • Fixed an issue where roles could not be edited in the UI

  • Hide menu items that users don't have access to

  • Fixed an issue where deleting an identity that had apptokens would cause the apptoken page to not load

  • Fixed an issue where deleting an identity that ran a job would cause the job page to not load

1.2.4 - 6-24-2020



  • Fixed an issue where importing a dashboard couple overwrite the dashboard being imported.

1.2.3 - 6-24-2020



  • The identity of the user that started the job is now show in the table and job page


  • Added an Import Dashboard button

  • Added -DisableAutostart to New-PUSDashboard to prevent dashboards from starting on server startup.


  • Added support for Git sync with default credentials



  • The API process will restart if it crashes for whatever reason.

  • Fixed an issue where the API process wouldnt always start

  • Fixed an issue where responses over a certain size wouldn't be returned.


  • Fixed an error that would be shown when run as another account and looking up secrets

  • Fixed an issue where jobs would only work with one feedback request

  • Fixed an error where an invalid schedule would cause an error in the UI.

  • Fixed an issue where Automation would attempt to start and invalid job


  • Fixed an issue where terminating errors would not be shown in the dashboard

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue where errors in components wouldn't be shown

  • Fixed an issue where using the ZIP on Windows would fail to load the UD framework because it was blocked

  • Dashboards now start asynchronously when the server is starting so the server starts faster

  • Fixed an issue where dashboards wouldnt always start

  • When adding a dashboard, the frameworks are now sorted newest first.


  • Fixed an issue where adding an invalid license would totally break everything

  • If HTTP(S) is not specified when using the ComputerName parameter of the cmdlets, HTTP will be added automatically

  • Fixed an issue where navigating to any URL that started with /admin would always go to the admin page

  • Fixed an issue where Git sync would not work with a bare remote repository

  • Redirect stdout to main process so you can see background process stdout.

1.2.2 - 6-16-2020



  • Fix an issue where setting parameters would not allow a script to run

1.2.1 - 6-16-2020






  • Added a -SecurityPowerShellVersion parameter to Set-PSUSetting to allow for customization of the security process's PS version

  • Released a Docker image

  • Added delete button to Identity table



  • Errors will now return status code 500 from APIs

  • Fixed an issue where running APIs in Windows PowerShell would not work


  • Fixed an issue where saving a full path for a script would not work

  • Scripts are run based on path and not content


  • Fixed an issue where the dashboard would restart every 60 seconds

  • Fixed unhandled exceptions that would be thrown when trying to access a dashboard that didn't start correctly

  • Start\Stop button now indicates whether it is in progress

  • Fixed a bug where the dashboard would not restart if settings where changed in the dashboards.ps1

  • UDv2 - Fixed page styling

  • UDv2 - Fixed error shown when a UDInput only had a single field

  • Fixed an issue with the Console where it would not show terminating errors

  • Fixed an issue with the Console where if a dashboard wasnt running it would return nothing

  • Display dashboard framework version in dashboard table


  • Run Authentication\Authorization in process by default

  • Fixed an issue where loading configuration files could result in a "Authorization Failed" exception

  • Fixed an issue where if loading a configuration file on start up failed the server wouldn't start\

  • Fixed an issue where hiding Automation would still default to the scripts page.

  • Fixed an error when starting PSU on linux.

  • Fixed an issue where settings wouldn't reload sometimes

  • Fixed a bug where the login page would not display an error if the login failed.

  • Log an error during startup if .NET Framework v4.7.2 or later is missing on Windows.

  • Fixed an issue where saving or deleting PowerShell versions in the UI wouldn't persist.

  • Fixed an issue where saving or deleting Dashboard Frameworks in the UI wouldn't persist.

  • Fixed an issue where the installer would not elevate correctly

  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't uninstall from Add\Remove programs

  • Fixed an issue where the installer would not upgrade successfully sometimes

  • Fixed an issue wehere the installer would have the wrong version listedn in Add\remove programs

1.2.0 - 6-8-2020



  • Added Support for REST APIs


  • Added configuration options for InformationPreference, VerbosePreference and DebugPreference for scripts


  • UDv3 - Added support for themes

  • Added Dashboard Components page in UI

  • In-Browser editor for dashboard files


  • Idempotent Configuration using PS cmdlets rather than classes

  • Added Install-PSUServer cmdlet

  • Added Start-PSUServer cmdlet

  • Added the ability to configure which menu items are shown.

  • WS-Federation support

  • Added Swagger documentation

  • Added link to help under settings




  • Fixed an issue where setting Mandatory = $false would make the parameter mandatory in the UI


  • Remove file path from Add Dashboard modal. A default dashboard will be created.

  • UDv3 - Fixed an issue with expansion panels not working if you had a single expansion panel in a group.

  • UDv2 - Fixed an issue where New-UDFooter was missing

  • UDv2 - Fixed an issue where New-UDFooter wouldn't remove the "Created with UD" text

  • UDv2 - Fixed an issue where New-UDRow would not set the ID

  • UDv2\UDv3 - Added error boundaries so controls in an error state do not prevent the dashboard from loading.

  • UDv3 - Fixed Show-UDToast styles

  • UDv2 - Fixed an issue where New-UDInput was missing

  • UDv2 - Fixed an issue where New-UDMonitor was missing

  • Fixed an issue where logging into the dashboard wouldn't redirect to the dashboard

  • Universal app tokens can now automatically be added to users' sessions to access the Universal API from dashboards


  • Git Sync is Optional

  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't delete a license

  • Moved trial information to license page

  • Fixed is with localization of dates and times

  • Session timing out will redirect you to login

  • Auto reload of entire platform when configuration changes

1.1.1 - 25-05-2020


  • Sign dashboard framework modules

  • Unblock dashboard files before executing them

  • Set execution policy on Windows

  • Change default web.config to use correct settings

  • Fixed a scoping issue with v2 New-UDPage

  • Added debug logging to dashboard logging

  • Fixed an issue where assigning a dashboard with a baseurl of "/" would break Universal

  • Fixed custom component loading

  • Added Nivo, Sparklines, and Map components

  • Fixed an issue that would prevent adding dashboards after selecting a PS version

  • Fixed a scoping issue with UD endpoints

  • Linux Support

1.1.0 - 18-05-2020


– Fixed an issue that prevented cmdlets from loading PSv5.1 – Add-UDDashboardFramework now returns pipeline output – Default endpoint now listens on all addresses, not just localhost – Fixed an issue with dashboard pages and spaces – Fixed an issue with the UDv2 grid not loading


– Added -Version to Add-UDDashboardFramework – Added support for UD scheduled endpoints – Added memory usage and session count to dashboard page – Added theme support for UDv2 – Added custom log path appsettings.json – Added UD Admin Terminal – Roles are now sync’d to git – Auth Methods are now sync’d to git – Session diagnostics for UD – Endpoint diagnostics for UD – Dashboard frameworks are now persisted across installs

Last updated

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