To create a Docker image that can persist the Universal data, you can create a dockerfile like the one below.
This dockerfile exposes port 5000, creates a /data volume, sets configuration environment variables to store the Universal repository and database in the volume and then sets the Universal.Server as the entry point to the container.
FROM ironmansoftware/universal:latest
LABEL description="Universal - The ultimate platform for building web-based IT Tools"
VOLUME ["/data"]
ENV Data__RepositoryPath ./data/Repository
ENV Data__ConnectionString ./data/database.db
ENV UniversalDashboard__AssetsFolder ./data/UniversalDashboard
ENV Logging__Path ./data/logs/log.txt
ENTRYPOINT ["./home/Universal/Universal.Server"]
FROM ironmansoftware/universal:1.3.1-windowsservercore-1809
LABEL description="Universal - The ultimate platform for building web-based IT Tools"
VOLUME ["C:/data"]
ENV Data__RepositoryPath C:/data/Repository
ENV Data__ConnectionString C:/data/database.db
ENV UniversalDashboard__AssetsFolder C:/data/UniversalDashboard
ENV Logging__Path C:/data/logs/log.txt
ENTRYPOINT ["C:/ProgramData/Universal/Universal.Server.exe"]
You can run a build with the build command.
docker build . --tag=universal-persistent
You can start the docker container with the run command and make sure to specify the volume to mount.