
Universal Dashboard v3 is built on Material UI. Material UI provides a built-in theme system that UD now takes advantage of. You can utilize this theme system by providing a hashtable of options to the New-UDDashboard 's -Theme parameter.

Here's an example of changing the theme's main color.

$Theme = @{
    palette = @{
        primary = @{
            main = '#111111'
New-UDDashboard -Theme $Theme -Title 'Hello' -Content {
    New-UDButton -Text "Test " -OnClick {
        Show-UDToast -Message 'HEllo'

Setting the default theme

You can set the default theme to either Light or Dark using the -DefaultTheme parameter.

New-UDDashboard -Title 'Hello' -Content {
    New-UDButton -Text "Test " -OnClick {
        Show-UDToast -Message 'HEllo'
} -DefaultTheme dark

Changing the background color

You can change the page background color by setting the background default color. To adjust the header background color, set the primary main color.

$Theme = @{
    palette = @{
        primary = @{
            main = '#876a38'
        background = @{
            default = '#876a38'
#    typography = @{
#        fontSize = 20
#    }
New-UDDashboard -Theme $Theme -Title 'Hello' -Content {
    New-UDButton -Text 'Hello' 

Supporting dark and light palettes

To support dark and light palettes, you can define a dark and light sections in your hashtable. They have the same properties as a theme.

$Theme = @{
    light = @{
        palette = @{
            primary = @{
                main = "#fff"
    dark = @{
        palette = @{
            primary = @{
                main = "#333"
New-UDDashboard -Theme $Theme -Title 'Hello' -Content {
    New-UDButton -Text 'Hello' 

Changing the font size

To change the font size, set the typography fontSize property.

$Theme = @{
    typography = @{
        fontSize = 20
New-UDDashboard -Theme $Theme -Title 'Hello' -Content {
    New-UDButton -Text 'Hello' 

Changing default button colors

$Theme = @{
    palette = @{
        grey = @{
            '300' = '#000'
New-UDDashboard -Theme $Theme -Title 'Hello' -Content {
    New-UDButton -Text 'Small Button'

For a full list of options available for the theme system, you can look at the default theme for Material UI.

Last updated

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