The UDDataGrid component is an advanced version of the table that is useful for displaying large amounts of data. It supports many of the same features as the table but also provides complex filtering, row virtualization, multi-column sort and more.
Simple Data Grid
Data grids load their data via the -LoadRows event handler. You will need to return a hashtable that contains the row data and the total number of rows.
Columns are defined using hashtables.
New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows {
$Data = @(
@{ Name = 'Adam'; Number = Get-Random}
@{ Name = 'Tom'; Number = Get-Random}
@{ Name = 'Sarah'; Number = Get-Random}
$Data | Out-UDDataGridData -Context $EventData -TotalRows $Rows.Length
} -Columns @(
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field name
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field number
) -AutoHeight $true
Columns are customizable using New-UDDataGridColumn. More information on this cmdlet can be found here.
Rendering Custom Columns
You can render custom components in columns by specifying render within the column hashtable. You can access the current row's data by using the $EventData or $Row variable
In this example, the number is shown in the name column with a New-UDTypography component.
New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows {
$Rows = 1..100 | % {
@{ Name = 'Adam'; Number = Get-Random}
$Rows| Out-UDDataGridData -Context $EventData -TotalRows $Rows.Length
} -Columns @(
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field name -Render {
New-UDTypography $EventData.number
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field number
) -AutoHeight $true
Flexible Width Columns
Column fluidity or responsiveness can be achieved by setting the flex property of a column.
The flex property accepts a value between 0 and ∞. It works by dividing the remaining space in the grid among all flex columns in proportion to their flex value.
For example, consider a grid with a total width of 500px that has three columns: the first with width: 200; the second with flex: 1; and the third with flex: 0.5. The first column will be 200px wide, leaving 300px remaining. The column with flex: 1 is twice the size of flex: 0.5, which means that final sizes will be: 200px, 200px, 100px.
To set a minimum and maximum width for a flex column set the minWidth and the maxWidth property on the column.
New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows {
$Rows = 1..100 | % {
@{ Name = 'Adam'; Number = "This column is a very long string. This column is a very long string. This column is a very long string. This column is a very long string. This column is a very long string. This column is a very long string."}
$Rows| Out-UDDataGridData -Context $EventData -TotalRows $Rows.Length
} -Columns @(
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field name -Render {
New-UDTypography $EventData.number
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field number -Flex 1.0
) -AutoHeight $true
The -LoadRows parameter is used to return data for the data grid. Table state will be provided to the event handler as $EventData. You will find the following properties within the $EventData object.
A filter object that you can use to construct filters against your data.
The current page. Starts at 0.
The number of records in a page.
The sort options for the table
To implement paging, you can access the page and pageSize properties of the $EventData variable. If you are using a remote data source, you will want to implement custom paging logic. Below is an example of using the paging properties to page through the rows locally. Depending on your data source (e.g. SQL), you may page through data differently.
Out-UDDataGridData automatically implements paging, and you do not need to do the above if you have all your data in memory. The above is just used for demonstration purposes.
The data grid supports filtering data based on each column. Multiple filters can be defined to allow the user to narrow down the displayed data set. By default, the Out-UDDataGridData cmdlet implements filtering for local data. When using a remote data source, like SQL, it is suggested to implement custom filtering to improve user experience and performance.
Filter Data Structure
The filter object is included in the $EventData for the -LoadRows event handler when a filter is defined. The object has a structure as follows.
The items property contains a collection of fields, operators and values. You can use these to filter your data.
The name of the field to filter
The type of operator to use when filtering the data.
The value used to filter
The logic operator field is used to specify the link between the filters. This can be and or or.
Contains a collection of quick filter values that you can chose how to apply to your data.
Contains the logic operator for the quick filter values specified by the user. This can be and or or.
Custom Filter
The Out-UDDataGridData cmdlet provides an implmentation of filtering for static data. If you use this cmdlet, you do not need to implement filtering manually. If you have a remote data source, you will want to provide a custom implementation for filtering. Below is an example of using the filter structure in $EventData to eliminate rows based on the filters provided by the user.
The quick filter is a similar to a simple search box. You can enable quick filtering with the -ShowQuickFilter parameter on New-UDDataGrid. A search box will appear in the top right of the data grid. When the user enters a value in the data grid, the quick filter information will be provided.
Below is an example of how to use quick filters. Out-UDDataGridData implements quick filtering and is not required when using local data. The below is done for demonstration only.
New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows {
$Rows = 1..100 | % {
@{ Name = 'Adam'; Number = Get-Random}
foreach($filter in $eventData.QuickFilterValues)
$Rows = $Rows | Where-Object $filter.field -match $filter
$Rows| Out-UDDataGridData -Context $EventData -TotalRows $Rows.Length
} -Columns @(
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field name
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field number
) -AutoHeight $true
The $EventData object will contain a Sort property when the user sorts the data grid. It contains properties for each column that is sorted. The properties will start as 0 and increment as more columns are sorted.
For example, you can access the first sorted column as follows.
You will also receive the sort direction for each column.
The field to sort.
The direction to sort the field.
asc, desc
Detailed Content
You can use the -LoadDetailContent event handler to display additional information about the row you are expanding. Information about the current row is available in $EventData.row.
New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows {
$Data = @(
@{ Name = 'Adam'; Number = Get-Random }
@{ Name = 'Tom'; Number = Get-Random }
@{ Name = 'Sarah'; Number = Get-Random }
$Data| Out-UDDataGridData -Context $EventData -TotalRows $Data.Length
} -Columns @(
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field name
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field number
) -AutoHeight $true -LoadDetailContent {
Show-UDToast $Body
New-UDAlert -Text $EventData.row.Name
Example: Nested Data Grids
You can use the -LoadDetailContent parameter to look up nested data about an object. In this example, we load a data grid of virtual machines and display the name, operating system, memory and CPU cores. Expanding the detail content provides a data grid of the network cards available on the virtual machine. We are using dummy data in this example but you could use any cmdlet available to PowerShell Universal.
Tables provide editor support by specifying the -OnEdit event handler. The new row data will be provided as $EventData. You can chose to return updated row information (for example, adjusting something the user has entered) and return it from the event handler. If you do not return anything, the row will reflect what the user entered.
The $EventData has the following format.
newRow = @{}
oldRow = @{}
Ensure that you provide the editable property to each column you wish for the user to edit.
$Cache:Data = @(
@{ Name = 'Adam'; number = Get-Random }
@{ Name = 'Tom'; number = Get-Random }
@{ Name = 'Sarah'; number = Get-Random }
New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows {
$Cache:Data| Out-UDDataGridData -Context $EventData -TotalRows $Cache:Data.Length
} -Columns @(
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field name -Render {
New-UDButton -Text $EventData.number
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field number -Editable
) -AutoHeight $true -OnEdit {
$Cache:Data | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $EventData.NewRow.Name } | ForEach-Object {
$_.Number = $EventData.NewRow.Number
You can enable row selection using the -CheckboxSelection parameter to display checkboxes for the rows to select. Row selection requires a deterministic ID for the data rows provided. In the below example, you will see each row has a specific ID specified.
New-UDApp -Content {
$Rows = 1..100 | % {
@{ Id = $_; Name = 'Adam'; Number = Get-Random}
New-UDDataGrid -id DataGrid -LoadRows {
$Rows| Out-UDDataGridData -Context $EventData -TotalRows $Rows.Length
} -Columns @(
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field name
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field number
) -AutoHeight $true -Pagination -CheckboxSelection -CheckboxSelectionVisibleOnly -DisableRowSelectionOnClick
You can access selected data with the -OnSelectionChange event handler or by retrieving the row IDs via Get-UDElement.
To override the default export functionality, use the -OnExport event handler. $EventData will be the same context object used for -LoadRows. You should use Out-UDDataGridExport to return the data from -OnExport.
$Data = @(
@{ name = 'Adam'; Number = Get-Random}
@{ name = 'Tom'; Number = Get-Random}
@{ name = 'Sarah'; Number = Get-Random}
New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows {
rows = $Data
rowCount = $Data.Length
} -Columns @(
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field name
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field number
) -OnExport {
$ExportContent = $Data | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | Out-String
Out-UDDataGridExport -Data $ExportContent -FileName 'export.csv'
Multiple Export Types
When using a custom export, you can use the -ExportOptionsparameter to define multiple export types. When the user selects the export type, you can check the Type property of $EventDatato determine which type of export to produce.
$Data = @(
@{ name = 'Adam'; Number = Get-Random}
@{ name = 'Tom'; Number = Get-Random}
@{ name = 'Sarah'; Number = Get-Random}
New-UDDataGrid -LoadRows {
rows = $Data
rowCount = $Data.Length
} -Columns @(
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field name
New-UDDataGridColumn -Field number
) -OnExport {
if ($EventData.Type -eq 'CSV')
$ExportContent = $Data | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | Out-String
Out-UDDataGridExport -Data $ExportContent -FileName 'export.csv'
} -ExportOptions @("CSV", "PDF")
Example: Static Data
In this example, we generate an array of 10,000 records. We will create a new function, Out-UDDataGridData to manage the paging, sorting and filtering. This function is already included in the Universal module.