Local Accounts

Local accounts in PowerShell Universal.

Local Accounts

Local accounts are created and stored in the PowerShell Universal database. By default, credentials are stored in the local database vault.

To create a local account, you can navigate to Security \ Identities and create a new identity. Ensure that the Local Account switch is enabled and set a password.

If you have a licensed instance of PowerShell Universal, you can use a different credential vault.

Admin Account

When first running PowerShell Universal, you will be prompted to set the admin account name and password.

You can automate this by setting the following environment variables. The account will be created and assigned the Administrator role. Password restrictions are not enforced when using the environment variable.

$ENV:PSUDefaultAdminPassword = "MyPassword"
$ENV:PSUDefaultAdminName = 'MyAdmin'

Password Restrictions

Passwords are required to be of at least 12 characters long and require a letter, number and symbol. Passwords will expire after 90 days. Users can reset their passwords at any time in the admin console or portal.

Last updated

PowerShell Universal




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