
Tables for portal components.

Tables can be used to display data to users in a grid format.

Basic Table

Tables consist of a data source and a series of columns. You can use PowerShell variables are a data source. A simple script could load all the services on the machine into a variable.

$Variables["Services"] = Get-Service

The table would then display a set number of properties as columns.

<Table DataSource="$Services">
    <PropertyColumn Property="Name"></PropertyColumn>
    <PropertyColumn Property="Status"></PropertyColumn>

Column Content

Property columns can provide custom content based on the row being rendered. Use the $Context variable to reference the current row.

<Table DataSource="$Services">
    <PropertyColumn Property="Name"></PropertyColumn>
    <PropertyColumn Property="Status">
        <Alert Message="$context.Status" />

Action Columns

Actions columns are not tied to a particular property and are used for display actions such as buttons.

<Table DataSource="$Services">
    <PropertyColumn Property="Name"></PropertyColumn>
    <PropertyColumn Property="Status">
        <Alert Message="$context.Status" />
        <Button OnClick="ShowStatus">Show Status</Button>

To reference the current row in the button click, use the $Context parameter.

function ShowStatus {

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