Code Editor

Code editor component for Universal Apps.

The code editor component allows you to host the Microsoft Monaco editor within your dashboards.

Creating a Code Editor

You can create a new code editor with the New-UDCodeEditor cmdlet. Specifying the -Language parameter will enable syntax highlighting for that language. You will need to specify a height in pixels.

New-UDCodeEditor -Height '500' -Language 'powershell'

Populating Code

Use the -Code parameter to specify code that will be populated within the code editor when it loads.

New-UDCodeEditor -Height '500' -Language 'powershell' -Code '#Hello, world!'

Retrieving code from another component

You can retrieve code from another component using the Get-UDElement cmdlet and accessing the code property of the hashtable that is returned.

New-UDCodeEditor -Height '500' -Language 'powershell' -Code '#Hello, world!' -Id 'editor'

New-UDButton -Text 'Get Code' -OnClick {
    Show-UDToast -Message (Get-UDElement -id 'editor').Code

Setting code from another component

You can set code from another component using the Set-UDElement cmdlet. Specify the code value in a hashtable passed to the -Properties parameter.

New-UDCodeEditor -Height '500' -Language 'powershell' -Code '#Hello, world!' -Id 'editor'

New-UDButton -Text 'Get Code' -OnClick {
    Set-UDElement -Id 'editor' -Properties @{
        code = "# Hello!"


The documentation is for an upcoming feature of PowerShell Universal .

The Monaco editor supports a wide range of options. If you wish to use options that aren't available on the New-UDCodeEditor cmdlet, you can use the -Options parameter and pass a hashtable of options instead.

For a full list of options, check the IEditorConsturctionOptions interface.

New-UDCodeEditor -Language powershell -Height 100 -Options @{ fontSize = 10 }

Last updated

PowerShell Universal




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