Built-In Themes
You can use built-in themes by using the Get-UDTheme
cmdlet. If you run the cmdlet without parameters, it will return a list of all available themes.
Copy $Theme = Get-UDTheme -Name 'MaterialDesign'
New-UDApp -Theme $Theme -Title 'Hello' -Content {
New-UDButton -Text "Test " -OnClick {
Show-UDToast -Message 'HEllo'
Setting the default theme
You can set the default theme to either Light or Dark using the -DefaultTheme
Copy New-UDApp -Title 'Hello' -Content {
New-UDButton -Text "Test " -OnClick {
Show-UDToast -Message 'HEllo'
} -DefaultTheme dark
Custom Themes
PowerShell Univeral apps are built on MUI. MUI provides a built-in theme system that apps take advantage of. You can utilize this theme system by providing a hashtable of options to the New-UDApp
's -Theme
Here's an example of changing the theme's main color.
Copy $Theme = @{
palette = @{
primary = @{
main = '#111111'
New-UDApp -Theme $Theme -Title 'Hello' -Content {
New-UDButton -Text "Test " -OnClick {
Show-UDToast -Message 'HEllo'
Note that when specifying keys that require a number, ensure that the key is specified as a string.
Copy grey = @{
'50' = '#fafafa'
'100' = '#f5f5f5'
'200' = '#eeeeee'
'300' = '#e0e0e0'
'400' = '#bdbdbd'
'500' = '#9e9e9e'
'600' = '#757575'
'700' = '#616161'
'800' = '#424242'
'900' = '#212121'
A100 = '#d5d5d5'
A200 = '#aaaaaa'
A400 = '#303030'
A700 = '#616161'
contrastThreshold = '3'
getContrastText = 'f E()'
augmentColor = 'f B()'
tonalOffset = '0.2'
Changing the background color
You can change the page background color by setting the background default color. To adjust the header background color, set the primary main color.
Copy $Theme = @{
palette = @{
primary = @{
main = '#876a38'
background = @{
default = '#876a38'
New-UDApp -Theme $Theme -Title 'Hello' -Content {
New-UDButton -Text 'Hello'
Supporting dark and light palettes
To support dark and light palettes, you can define a dark and light sections in your hashtable. They have the same properties as a theme.
Copy $Theme = @{
light = @{
palette = @{
primary = @{
main = "#fff"
dark = @{
palette = @{
primary = @{
main = "#333"
New-UDApp -Theme $Theme -Title 'Hello' -Content {
New-UDButton -Text 'Hello'
Changing the font size
To change the font size, set the typography fontSize property.
Copy $Theme = @{
typography = @{
fontSize = 20
New-UDApp -Theme $Theme -Title 'Hello' -Content {
New-UDButton -Text 'Hello'
Changing default button colors
Copy $Theme = @{
palette = @{
grey = @{
'300' = '#000'
New-UDApp -Theme $Theme -Title 'Hello' -Content {
New-UDButton -Text 'Small Button'
For a full list of options available for the theme system, you can look at the default theme for MUI .
Component Overrides
You can override any component CSS value using the theme engine. In order to override a component's base theming, you will need to identify the CSS class name applied to that element.
To identify a component's CSS classes, use the developer tools of your browser. Right click on the component you wish to style and click Inspect Element.
This will highlight the HTML elements that make up that component. In the image below, you will see we have numerous CSS classes being applied such as:
In order to override these various elements, you will need to add an overrides
key to your theme.
Copy $Theme = @{
overrides = @{
Next, you'll need to add keys to the overrides for each element you wish to modify. Notice that I have not included the portion of the class name after the hyphen.
Copy $Theme = @{
overrides = @{
MuiButton = @{
Now, add the subitems you wish to modify to the class name.
Copy $Theme = @{
overrides = @{
MuiButton = @{
root = @{
label = @{
The last step is to define the CSS properties you wish to apply to elements that use these classes.
Copy $Theme = @{
overrides = @{
MuiButton = @{
root = @{
padding = 20
label = @{
fontSize = 40
For more examples, look at the Onepirate and Paperbase themes below that include many component overrides.
Example Themes
Copy $Theme = @{
palette = @{
primary = @{
light = '#ffe8d6'
main = '#ddbea9'
dark = '#cb997e'
secondary = @{
light = '#b7b7a4'
main = '#a5a58d'
dark = '#6b705c'
Copy $Theme = @{
palette = @{
primary = @{
light = '#e9c46a'
main = '#2a9d8f'
dark = '#264653'
secondary = @{
light = '#e9c46a'
main = '#f4a261'
dark = '#e76f51'
Copy $Theme = @{
palette = @{
primary = @{
light = '#ffcdb2'
main = '#ffb4a2'
dark = '#e5989b'
secondary = @{
light = '#e5989b'
main = '#b5838d'
dark = '#6d6875'
Based on the Material UI theme, Onepirate .
Copy $Theme = @{
palette = @{
primary = @{
light = '#69696a'
main = '#28282a'
dark = '#1e1e1f'
secondary = @{
light = '#fff5f8'
main = '#ff3366'
dark = '#e62958'
warning = @{
main = '#ffc071'
dark = '#ffb25e'
error = @{
xLight = '#ffebee'
main = '#f44336'
dark = '#d32f2f'
success = @{
xLight = '#e8f5e9'
main = '#4caf50'
dark = '#388e3c'
typography = @{
fontFamily = "'Work Sans', sans-serif"
fontSize = 14
fontWeightLight = 300
fontWeightRegular = 400
fontWeightMedium = 700
fontFamilySecondary = "'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif"
h1 = @{
letterSpacing = 0
fontSize = 60
h2 = @{
fontSize = 48
h3 = @{
fontSize = 42
h4 = @{
fontSize = 36
h5 = @{
fontSize = 20
fontWeight = 100
h6 = @{
fontSize = 18
subtitle1 = @{
fontSize = 18
body = @{
fontSize = 16
body2 = @{
fontSize = 14
overrides = @{
MuiButton = @{
root = @{
borderRadius = 0
fontWeight = 300
fontFamily = "'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif"
padding = 10
fontSize = 14
boxShadow = 'none'
MuiInput = @{
root = @{
padding = 0
backgroundColor = 'white'
'label + &' = @{
marginTop = 3
input = @{
fontSize = 16
padding = 16
border = '1px solid #e9ddd0'
'&:focus' = @{
borderColor = '#ff3366'
'underline:after' = @{
borderBottom = 'none'
MuiInputLabel = @{
root = @{
fontSize = 18
MuiFormControl = @{
root = @{
border = 'none'
MuiCard = @{
root = @{
boxShadow = 'none'
MuiPaper = @{
root = @{
backgroundColor = '#fff5f8'
rounded = @{
borderRadius = 0
The dashboard used to generate the above image is included below.
Copy New-UDDashboard -Theme $theme -Title "Onepirate" -Content {
New-UDTypography -Text 'Upgrade your Sundays' -Variant h2 -Align Center
New-UDTypography -Text 'Enjoy secret offers up to -70% off the best luxury hotels every Sunday.' -Variant h5 -Align Center
New-UDElement -Tag div -Attributes @{
style = @{
textAlign = 'center'
} -Content {
New-UDButton -Text 'Register' -Color secondary
New-UDCard -Title 'SIGN UP' -Content {
New-UDForm -Content {
New-UDTextbox -Label 'EMAIL ADDRESS'
} -OnSubmit {
} -Elevation 0
Based on the Material UI theme, Paperbase .
Copy $Theme = @{
palette = @{
primary = @{
light = '#63ccff'
main = '#009be5'
dark = '#006db3'
typography = @{
h5 = @{
fontWeight = 500
fontSize = 26
letterSpacing = 0.5
shape = @{
borderRadius = 8
mixins = @{
toolbar = @{
minHeight = 48
overrides = @{
MuiDrawer = @{
paper = @{
backgroundColor = '#081627'
MuiButton = @{
label = @{
textTransform = 'none'
contained = @{
boxShadow = 'none'
'&:active' = @{
boxShadow = 'none'
MuiTabs = @{
root = @{
marginLeft = 1
indicator = @{
height = 3
borderTopLeftRadius = 3
borderTopRightRadius = 3
backgroundColor = '#000'
MuiTab = @{
root = @{
textTransform = 'none'
margin = '0 16px'
minWidth = 0
padding = 0
MuiIconButton = @{
root = @{
padding = 1
MuiTooltip = @{
tooltip = @{
borderRadius = 4
MuiDivider = @{
root = @{
backgroundColor = 'rgb(255,255,255,0.15)'
MuiListItemButton = @{
root = @{
'&.Mui-selected' = @{
color = '#4fc3f7'
MuiListItemText = @{
primary = @{
color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) '
fontSize = 14
fontWeight = 500
MuiListItemIcon = @{
root = @{
color = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) '
minWidth = 'auto'
marginRight = 2
'& svg' = @{
fontSize = 20
MuiAvatar = @{
root = @{
width = 32
height = 32
This the dashboard used to create the above image.
Copy $Navigation = @(
New-UDListItem -Label "Home"
New-UDListItem -Label "Getting Started" -Children {
New-UDListItem -Label "Installation" -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon envelope) -OnClick { Invoke-UDRedirect '/installation' }
New-UDListItem -Label "Usage" -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon edit) -OnClick { Invoke-UDRedirect '/usage' }
New-UDListItem -Label "FAQs" -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon trash) -OnClick { Invoke-UDRedirect '/faqs' }
New-UDListItem -Label "System Requirements" -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon bug) -OnClick { Invoke-UDRedirect '/requirements' }
New-UDListItem -Label "Purchasing" -OnClick { Invoke-UDRedirect '/purchasing'}
New-UDApp -Theme $theme -Title "Paperbase" -Content {
New-UDButton -Text 'Add user' -Color primary
New-UDCard -Title 'User Info' -Content {
"No users for this project yet."
} -Navigation $Navigation -NavigationLayout Permanent
Last updated 7 months ago