
Stack components in one dimesion.

The Stack component manages layout of immediate children along the vertical or horizontal axis with optional spacing and/or dividers between each child.

Horizontal Stack

Horizontally stacked items.

New-UDStack -Content {
   New-UDPaper -Content { "Item 1" } -Elevation 3
   New-UDPaper -Content { "Item 2" } -Elevation 3
   New-UDPaper -Content { "Item 3" } -Elevation 3
} -Spacing 2

Vertical Stack

Vertically stacked items.

New-UDStack -Content {
   New-UDPaper -Content { "Item 1" } -Elevation 3
   New-UDPaper -Content { "Item 2" } -Elevation 3
   New-UDPaper -Content { "Item 3" } -Elevation 3
} -Spacing 2 -Direction 'column'


  • New-UDStack

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