
Changelog for PowerShell Universal.

5.0.0-r3 - 7/24/2024


  • Added Authentication tab to API tester (#3483)


  • Added Archive Job button

  • Added Archive All Jobs button (#3419)

  • Fixed an issue with SecureString parameters


  • Fixed path to Universal.Agent for Windows PowerShell (#3478)

  • Fixed an issue with licenses from environment variables (#3477)

  • Fixed an issue where the logging.ps1 configuration file could throw a NotImplementedException

  • Fixed an issue where an error would be shown in the browser if the user was logged in during a service restart

  • Fixed an issue where editing files in the admin console would not stage them (#3480)

  • Fixed an issue rolling back script content changes in a git commit

  • Fixed an issue with git sync resetting an edit in progress if the server was restarted

  • Added Git Diff back to Commits page

  • Added opt-in telemetry collection

  • Fixed an issue with local time zone date time conversion in the admin console (#3481)

  • Improved Blazor app render performance

  • Get-PSUCache now returns the entire cache item information (#3464)

  • Fixed an issue where Universal cmdlets didn't work in nested IIS sites (#3484)

5.0.0-rc2 - 7/22/2024


  • Added support for array query string parameters (#1851)

  • Fixed issue with endpoint tester (#3469)


  • Added support for selecting streams when running a script manually (#3306)


  • Users with non-built in roles will now redirect to the portal by default after login

  • Added a portal resource page to view all resources that show up on the portal.


  • Added URL validation for apps, endpoints and published folders (#2796)

  • Added custom PSScriptAnalyzer rule to check for built in variable usage.

  • Fixed issue with permission matching

  • Fixed issue with roles page reload after creating a role (#3470)

  • Fixed an issue with the permission edit form (#3472)

  • Fixed an issue with enterprise licenses and the computer page (#3474)

5.0.0-rc1 - 7/16/2024


  • Fixed issue with parameters from scripts provided by modules

  • Fixed issue with job filters on the Jobs page.


  • Added row and column guides to the Portal Page editor


  • Added a first run setup to set the default admin user name and password (#2616)

  • Added support for role-based access with PSUCache (#2963)

  • Fixed an issue using gRPC cmdlets in Apps

  • Added password complexity enforcement

  • Added password expiration enforcement

5.0.0-beta7 - 7/2/2024


  • Fixed an issue with connecting to event hubs


  • Added Pipeline Output Tab

  • Jobs Run Today now links to a page that only shows jobs run today (#3321)


  • Added -Path to Start-UDDownload

  • PowerShell Apps have been renamed back to Apps


  • Added support for module variables (#2711)

  • Fixed an issue with IntelliSense

  • Fixed an issue creating resources when git sync was enabled

  • Fixed a SQLite database locking error

  • Added Git Commit Discard button

  • Enabled the file system watcher

  • Fixed an issue with Windows PowerShell.

  • Added Password and KeySize to appsettings.json to configure AES 256 database secrets (#3291)


  • Blazor Apps have been renamed to Portal Widgets and Pages

  • Added support for properties in Portal Widgets

5.0.0-beta6 - 6/16/2024


  • Fixed issue with creating schedules (#3361)

  • Job status filters now persist refreshes (#3340)

  • Fixed an issue with the Jobs Failed Today widget on the home page (#3391)

  • Fixed an issue with script folders (#3398)


  • Fixed an issue with Telemetry (#3347)

  • Added health check refresh, run and clear buttons

  • Fixed routing for nested sites

  • Fixed an issue with the groom job when using PostreSQL (#3360)

  • Fixed a login page redirect issue (#3366)

  • Fixed an issue accessing the secret scope (#3372)

  • Fixed an issue saving modules on non-Windows systems (#3371)

  • Fixed issue with deleting a license

  • Fixed an issue with file management when One-Way git sync was enabled (#3377)

  • Fixed an issue with the Import command in the library when One-Way git sync is enabled (#3374)

  • Fixed an issue with environment discovery (#3378)

  • Fixed an issue with the module controller (#3390)

  • Fixed issues with notification badge (#3387)

  • Fixed an issue editing git settings when One-Way Git Sync was enabled (#3389)

  • Fixed an issue with git settings validation (#3396)

  • Fixed an issue with the file page's title (#3400)

  • Added git commit file selector (#3403)

  • Added live logging checkbox


  • Added Display In Portal and Roles to tags

  • Added grouping of resources by tags


  • Added input box for role default routes

5.0.0-beta5 - 5/22/2024


  • Added filter output by stream to job page (#3298)

  • Fixed syntax highlighting of job logs

  • Added Hide Run Later

  • Fixed an issue with Hide Run As, Hide Run On and Hide Environment settings

  • Added Quick Run button for scripts (#3319)

  • Added support for dynamic parameters (#2372)

  • Added -Tags to Invoke-PSUScript (#3302)

Blazor Apps

  • Fixed issue with authentication and roles settings

PowerShell Apps

  • Fixed an issue with Get-UDPage


  • Added My Identity page (#2862)

  • Fixed some issues with the git edit button and commit page

  • Fixed PowerShell IntelliSense

  • Added stack traces to notifications

  • Fixed an issue with Branding \ Admin Console Title

  • Added support for Emoji favicons

  • Fixed an issue with gRPC errors in some environments

  • Added support for discovering Python environments

  • Fixed an issue with PostgreSQL support

  • Fixed an error adding git settings

  • Added PSUDefaultAdminPassword and PSUDefaultAdminName


  • Added Portal

  • Added Portal link to admin console

  • Added dashboard page

  • Added Services page

  • Added scripts to services page

5.0.0-beta4 - 5/6/2024


  • Fixed an issue with the header tab on the API test page

  • Fixed an issue with API Docs (#3311)


  • Fixed an issue where error messages would be written twice in the output log (#3305)

  • Fixed an issue with creating schedules.

  • Fixed an issue with one-time schedules


  • Added permission enforcement for all cmdlets

  • Fixed an issue with OIDC authentication

  • Fixed an issue with the default authentication warning being shown even when authentication was configured.

  • Fixed an issue with the integrated security context for PSU cmdlets

  • Reduced server start up time

  • Fixed an issue logging in with demo mode

  • Fixed an issue with New-PSUPublishedFolder

  • Fixed a performance issue with the admin console

5.0.0-beta3 - 4/29/2024


  • Added inline script debugging terminal


  • Added granular permissions throughout the platform

  • Added custom module editor

  • Implemented gRPC cmdlets across the platform

5.0.0-beta2 - 4/10/2024


  • Added API Test Tab

  • Added Invoke-PSUEndpoint


  • Added Terminals and Terminal History pages

  • Added folders for scripts

  • Added new columns to the jobs table


  • Added a process that checks for module updates

  • Added a health check that verifies an environment exists

  • Added tags for variables

5.0.0-beta1 - 3/11/2024

Major Features

  • New Admin Console based on Blazor

  • PostgreSQL support

  • Blazor Apps

  • Script Library

Breaking Changes

  • PowerShell Universal defaults to SQLite

  • PowerShell App designer has been removed

  • LiteDB Support has been removed

  • Removed support for pages

  • Removed -Mask from New-UDTextbox

PowerShell Apps

  • Added -Sx to New-UDBadge (#2878)

  • Added -RemoveMargin to New-UDCard

  • Added -SelectedTabIndex to New-UDTabs (#2897)

  • Remove mandatory on text for New-UDMenuItem (#2906)

  • Added -Enhanced to New-UDTransferList (#2888)

  • Fix issue with New-UDAutocomplete always being fullwidth (#2949)

  • Fix issue with New-UDTextbox date hand enter (#3006)

  • Added -DisableArcLinkLabels and -DisableArcLabels to New-UDNivoChart (#2907)

  • Fix issue with 'line' Chartjs issue (#2871)

  • Added module support for apps (#2177)


  • Added -ApiBaseFolder to Set-PSUSettings (#2794)


  • Added -HideChildren, -HideTriggered, -HideScheduled to Get-PSUJob (#2444)

  • Added a page to view jobs for a schedule (#1377)

  • JobRunId has been promoted from an experimental to a full feature (#2799)

  • Added support for script documentation (#2743)


  • Added an option for updating git submodules during a pull (#2889)

  • Computers and computer groups are now visible in single-node environments (#2915)

  • Added Pause Git Sync button (#2994)

  • Customize logged out page (#2643)

  • Added configuration settings for the loading page

  • Improved the access denied error for the CPU health check (#2671)

  • Added support for customizing the table name for log entries in SQL and PostgreSQL (#2786)

  • Added a page to view all tagged resources (#1302)

  • Added support for uploading to Published Folders (#2555)

  • Added support for database cache

Last updated

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